, author: Ermakova M.

The most dangerous situations motorists may encounter on summer trips

We explore common summer road hazards and offer tips for safe driving while traveling by car.

Photo source: @freepik

Summer is a great time to travel by car, but it brings with it a number of unique challenges and dangers that are important to consider to keep you and your passengers safe. In this article, we will look at the most dangerous situations that can arise during the summer months and give recommendations on how to prevent them.

1. Engine overheating

Description of the problem:

Summer heat can cause the engine to overheat, especially if the car is stuck in traffic or driving at low speeds in urban areas. Overheating can cause serious damage and even an emergency stop of the machine.

How to prevent:

  • Check the coolant level and radiator condition regularly.
  • Avoid prolonged periods of inactivity with the engine running.
  • If you notice the engine temperature rising, stop immediately and allow the engine to cool.

2. Slippery roads after rain

Description of the problem:

Summer thunderstorms can cause water to quickly accumulate on roads, increasing the risk of hydroplaning and skidding.

How to prevent:

  • Reduce your speed during and after rain.
  • Make sure your tires are in good condition and have the correct pressure.
  • Avoid sudden maneuvers and braking on wet roads.

3. Driver fatigue

Description of the problem:

Long trips can lead to driver fatigue, which reduces attention and reaction, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

How to prevent:

  • Plan to make regular rest stops every two hours.
  • Change drivers whenever possible.
  • Avoid driving at night, when the natural decline in alertness makes driving especially dangerous.

4. Tire problems

Description of the problem:

High temperatures can cause tire pressure to rise, increasing the risk of them exploding at high speeds.

How to prevent:

  • Check and adjust tire pressure regularly, especially before long trips.
  • Use tires that are suitable for your vehicle and driving conditions.

5. Encounter with wildlife

Description of the problem:

During the summer months, animals are more likely to cross roads, which can lead to collisions, especially in rural areas.

How to prevent:

  • Соблюдайте осторожность при вождении в часы активности животных (рассвет и закат).
  • Установите на автомобиль специальные устройства, отпугивающие животных.
  • Следите за дорожными знаками, предупреждающими о возможном появлении животных.


Summer trips can be an enjoyable and exciting experience, but it's important to be aware of the possible dangers. By following these recommendations, you can minimize the risk and ensure the safety of yourself and your passengers. Be attentive and careful on the road, and may your summer adventure be only pleasant!
