, author: Ermakova M.

Effects of stress on hair and skin

Even the most insignificant experiences can negatively affect the skin and the appearance of the hair. What to do about it and how to avoid the visible effects of stress?

Human skin is the largest and most sensitive organ in the entire body! It is a reflection of the ecology, the physiological and psychological state of a person, indicates the presence of bad habits and diet. The skin of a person experiencing stress becomes dull, dry, dehydrated and thinned. With prolonged exposure, peeling, rashes or acne may appear on the skin. Following the epidermis, hair begins to suffer.

Stress was designed by nature to increase a person's chances of survival. When experiencing in the human body, two hormones are produced: cortisol and adrenaline. When they enter the bloodstream, regenerative processes slow down, due to which the hair follicles begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen and the production of collagen in skin cells decreases. After getting out of a stressful state, the body directs all its forces to restore these processes.

Due to regular overwork, lack of sleep and stress in many people, the acute form of stress has developed into a chronic one. We experience regular upheavals, but the discharge of the body does not occur, in which case the resources of the body run out. As a result of constant stress, hair becomes thinner or even goes into the stage of loss, the skin loses moisture and former elasticity.

To prevent such negative consequences for the body, it is necessary to minimize stress and try to distract yourself. For this, sports, yoga, your favorite hobby, as well as meditation and any beauty procedures are perfect.

Skin restoration

Skin care after stress should be aimed at improving regenerative functions. For this, mesotherapy procedures, biorevitalization and hardware techniques, such as microcurrents, radiofrequency therapy, are perfect. These beauty procedures help saturate the cells of the epidermis with oxygen, speed up metabolic processes, and stimulate the production of collagen. For home care products with retinol and hyaluronic acid are perfect.

How to stop hair follicles from falling out

Pay attention to your daily diet. Vitamins such as biotin, thiamine, folic acid, cyanocobalamin must be taken daily in food to stop hair loss. Salon cosmetology procedures, for example, mesotherapy of the scalp and plasmolifting, will help to cope with this problem. In home care, it is better to abandon aggressive care and give preference to soft and gentle compositions.

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