, author: Ermakova M.

Rejuvenating sleep: 5 sleep rules that will help preserve beauty

Lack of sleep affects not only performance, but also appearance.

It is known that sleep affects the condition of the skin. Lack of sleep is reflected in the complexion, and an uncomfortable posture leaves traces on the skin of the face that look like wrinkles. There is a way to avoid these troubles - you just need to follow simple rules. They were voiced by the cosmetologist, dermatovenereologist of the clinic Anna Lene.

1. Sleep on your back

In the supine position, the face does not come into contact with the pillow, thanks to which it remains smooth. The only catch is that not everyone is able to fall asleep in this position. The beautician emphasizes that in this case it is better to choose the usual position for rest, but get enough sleep, but it’s still worth trying to get used to a different position.

2. The right pillow

It is recommended to use an orthopedic pillow - it ensures the correct position of the head and neck during sleep (due to rigidity and height). Thus, blood circulation improves. After sleeping on such a pillow, you will not feel puffiness and will not see "creases" on the skin of the face.

3. Silk pillowcase

The ideal pillowcase material is silk or satin. Their clear advantage over cotton is that they do not draw moisture out of the skin. In addition, silk always remains cool, so sleeping on a pillow with such a pillowcase will also contribute to good blood supply.

4. Sleep mask

This little thing significantly improves the quality of a night's rest, as it contributes to the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Light or backlight gadgets prevent its production, but as soon as you put a mask on your eyes, the light is replaced by complete darkness, which is necessary for healthy sleep.

5. Norma

Sleep (and enough of it) is extremely important for the skin. Going to bed late increases the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which breaks down collagen (which is responsible for skin elasticity). “When the quality of sleep is disturbed, the skin begins to produce more sebum, so its microbiome changes. Because of this, inflammation can appear,” the expert warns.

To get the most out of your sleep, go to bed no later than 23:00. Quality sleep should last at least 8 hours. During this time, you will have time to relax, so that in the morning your skin will be radiant and healthy.
