, author: Ermakova M.

I Hear You: Rules of Effective Communication for Managers and Employees

The main principles of building an effective communication system in a company were revealed by the expert on psychological safety in the workplace, Irina Prosviryakova.

Communication in a company is a two-way process involving both managers and subordinates. Communication errors can occur at all levels. It is important not to ignore them and correct them in order to build warm human contact and constructive dialogue. This, in turn, will help improve mutual understanding, reduce conflicts, and increase team engagement and productivity.

According to research by the consulting company McKinsey, effective communication within a company increases its productivity by 25% and allows for 50% better decisions. The founder of the international scientific and training center "Leader Factor", an expert in psychological safety in the workplace, Irina Prosviryakova, spoke about the rules that will help managers and subordinates communicate with each other.

According to data from the world's largest HR organization SHRM, open and honest communication significantly increases the level of trust in the team and employee satisfaction and reduces the number of conflicts by 30%.

Specialists who feel informed and involved in the company's processes are more motivated and interested in achieving common goals. Gallup reports that organizations with highly engaged employees have 21% higher productivity and 37% fewer sick days.

Effective communication ensures clarity in the distribution of tasks and roles, which allows specialists to work more productively and harmoniously. Open and supportive relationships within the team facilitate the exchange of ideas and creative solutions, which stimulates innovation and the development of new products and services.

Communication Rules for Managers

Regular and constructive feedback. Hold meetings with employees to discuss their progress and current tasks. Be sure to talk about the positives and strengths, as well as what needs to be corrected and improved. Try to avoid criticism and emotions. Harvard Business Review emphasizes the importance of constant feedback to maintain employee motivation and engagement.

Active listening. Pay close attention to what your subordinate says, do not interrupt or get distracted. Show empathy. Try to understand emotions, respect the feelings and point of view of specialists. Research shows that active listening helps improve mutual understanding and reduce conflicts.

Transparency and honesty. Share important information about the company and current projects. Be honest in your answers and explanations, even if the news is not always positive. Transparency in management helps increase trust, engagement and creates a sense of safety in the team.

Encourage open dialogue. Create a safe environment and atmosphere where employees are not afraid to express their opinions and ideas. Encourage employees to ask questions and suggest improvements. Amy Edmonson’s research highlights the importance of psychological safety in stimulating innovation and teamwork.

Clarity and specificity. Clearly formulate goals and objectives to avoid misunderstandings. Be specific about what exactly needs improvement and how it can be achieved.

Use of technology. Introduce new tools for internal communication, such as corporate instant messengers and video conferences. Use digital platforms for project management and information sharing. McKinsey notes that modern communication technologies significantly increase the effectiveness of interactions in a company.

Communication rules for employees

Attentiveness. Listening is one of the key aspects of successful communication. When someone is speaking, try not to interrupt, do not get distracted, and fully focus on the interlocutor. Show that you are genuinely interested in what your colleague or manager is saying. This can be done with questions, clarifications, and non-verbal cues such as nodding or smiling.

Openness and honesty. Don’t be afraid to express your thoughts and feelings. If you have ideas or suggestions, share them. Open communication promotes more effective collaboration. Always tell the truth and be sincere in your intentions. This helps to create an atmosphere of trust and respect in the team.

Respect for each other. Always communicate with colleagues and managers with respect, even if your opinions or approaches differ. Avoid rude or offensive statements. Remember to praise and recognize the achievements of your colleagues. This helps to maintain a positive working climate.

Readiness for feedback. It is important to be able to not only give but also receive feedback. Listen carefully, do not interrupt or take criticism personally. View feedback as an opportunity to grow and improve. Think about the comments you receive and try to put them into practice.

Proficiency in digital tools. They help maintain communication and coordinate work, especially in remote teams. You can use Google Docs or Trello, Yandex.Documents, Asana, Yandex Tracker and many others so that everyone has access to up-to-date information and can easily make suggestions.

Conflict resolution. Discuss problems immediately to avoid escalation. Approach conflict resolution constructively. Listen to all parties, seek compromises and try to find a mutually beneficial solution.


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