, author: Plackhin A.

The top 5 best practices for effective remote work

Working from home is the new reality for many. While it's convenient and time-saving, the question remains: how do you stay productive amidst distractions? We've put together five lifehacks for you that will help you create the perfect environment.

Photo source: freepik.com

Switching to remote working has become a reality for many, offering a number of benefits such as flexible schedules and not having to travel to the office. However, working from home also comes with certain challenges, including distractions, lack of structure and discomfort. To make working from home not only productive but also comfortable, it's important to create the right environment. In this article, we're sharing five key work-from-home work-from-home work-from-home work-from-home life tips that will help you successfully manage your remote work and maintain a high level of efficiency.

At work.

Photo source: 123rf.com

1- Organize your workspace

The first and most important rule is to organize your workspace. If you work where you usually rest, it can reduce your productivity and make it difficult to separate your personal life and work.

Choose a separate space. If you have the opportunity, set aside a separate room for work. If not, set up a work nook in your living room or bedroom.

Ensure comfort. A comfortable chair, a desk of suitable height, quality lighting and all the necessary work accessories - this is the basis of comfortable work. Psychologists also recommend adding elements that you like to your workspace - plants, paintings or photos - to your workspace.

Distant work.

Photo source: 123rf.com

2. Follow your daily schedule

Working from home, it's easy to lose your sense of time and lose your work-life balance.

Make a schedule. Define clear working hours and stick to them. Start and finish work at the same time.

Take breaks. Taking regular short breaks helps avoid overwork. Stand up, drink a glass of water, or simply rest for a few minutes away from the screen.

In the kitchen with a cup of coffee.

Photo source: 123rf.com

3- Dress for work

While it seems tempting to work in your pajamas, it can have a negative impact on your productivity.

Create a work mindset. Dress as if you are going to work at the office. This will help you get in a better working mood and increase your motivation.

Set boundaries. Your clothes can also help other family members understand that you are at work and should not be distracted.


Photo source: 123rf.com

4. Use technology to communicate

One of the challenges of remote work is the lack of live interaction with coworkers.

Regular meetings. Use video calls to hold meetings and discuss work issues. This will help maintain a sense of team unity.

Messengers and email. Prompt communication via messengers or email will help resolve issues faster and more efficiently.

Fitness at home.

Photo source: 123rf.com

5. Maintain healthy level of phisical activety

Working from home often means less movement. This can have a negative impact on your health and well-being.

Exercise and warm-up: Regular exercise will help keep you healthy and alert. Do short exercises in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.

Movement during breaks. Get up and warm up every 30 to 60 minutes. This will help relieve stress and improve concentration.

Working from home can be comfortable and productive if you follow these simple guidelines. Organize your workspace, keep track of your daily routine, dress like you do for work, use technology to communicate, and don't forget to be physically active. With these tips, you can create an optimal work environment and enjoy all the benefits of telecommuting.


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