, author: Ermakova M.

Britney Spears tried to replicate her iconic 2000 look and failed

Social media users did not appreciate the comeback.

Long-time non-acting singer Britney Spears tried to do at least something remotely reminiscent of her thoughts on a career.

The performers appeared on their social media page in a scary red jumpsuit, writing, "A comeback should be spectacular."

Only then were fans able to draw some parallels with her 22-year-old iconic image from the video for the song Oops I Did It Again.

But then the young Britney looked really impressive and fresh. Now, especially when the celebrity began her strange dances under the camera again, drinking champagne and smearing herself with cake, criticism from users was not long in coming.

The main questions asked by the fans - is it time for Britney to really see the doctor and was she released from the care of her family too early?
