, author: Ermakova M.

With a rhyme in life: how to instill a love of poetry in a child

March 21 is World Poetry Day.

Parents, of course, want their child to incorporate the best features. That is why many mothers and fathers pay much attention to the formation of the artistic taste of the child, his sensory perception.

On Poetry Day, experts shared their knowledge on how to “nurture” a love for the artistic word in a little person.


Composer, teacher Semyon Krivenko-Adamov believes that poetry alone is not enough for a child to become imbued with literature. "A more correct approach is when parents instill a love for the word in general. Here, a huge library of fairy tales, children's stories and poems, created by domestic and foreign classics, comes to the aid of an adult. Among them are the works of A. S. Pushkin, K. I. Chukovsky , H. H. Andersen, M. Twain, W. Gauf, P. L. Travers and others.It is important to understand that the child begins to love reading not only due to a fascinating plot, but also because in the process of listening, a pleasant and warm memory is the atmosphere he was previously in. After several reading sessions, the child is looking forward to the next evening to experience this feeling again,” he says. Parents or other relatives are quite capable of creating a special atmosphere during evening readings. For example, you can turn on a garland with twinkling lights in the children's room and / or brew aromatic tea. But the main "component" of such evenings will be your unity with the child, joyful emotions that you want to experience again.

"According to my personal observations, the love of poetry is most facilitated by singing children's songs: usually, with the development of the vocal cords, children begin to sing along at the first opportunity. Here, an important aspect is that the child is not only a passive listener, but also actively participates in singing words And since there are elements of poetry in the lyrics (rhythm, meter, rhyme), the mechanics of the formation of an artistic word becomes more understandable from an early age, "says Semyon Krivenko-Adamov.


We are all different. Someone is overly impulsive, and someone is characterized by "Olympic" calmness. The main character traits begin to be laid in a child from the age of 3. It is important to notice them in time in order to further develop the child in accordance with his personality traits.

Culturologist Anna Osadchaya explains: “You can “inculcate” a love for poetry if a child can accept it by nature. Humanitarians and techies perceive poetry differently. ". Perhaps they themselves will want to start writing poetry. But with techies, things are more complicated. Therefore, they must be introduced to the beauty of the word, but not forced to love what they are not interested in. This will not lead to the desired results. One must act gently and gradually. And understand that the child in any case will find a hobby to his liking. Parents can read poetry to the child, discuss what they read with him. You can do this in a playful way. It should be understood that all children perceive information differently. The visual will like to read books with pictures.. The auditory person perceives information better by ear, while the kinesthetic learner needs to hold a book in their hands, leaf through the rustling pages, in order to be imbued with the content later. The correct presentation of information is also very important. As for understanding poetry, it is important to observe the age range. There are children's poems that are designed for a certain age. You should not offer a five-year-old child to read Brodsky or Mandelstam. He will not understand the meaning, he will be uninteresting and bored. Thus, you can discourage the desire to plunge into the world of poetry. "

From a young age

A child is easier to accustom to something if he observes it from the very beginning of life. So, a kid who has been read a lot since childhood or, for example, taken to classes in children's literary circles / workshops, will a priori know a lot about literature, understand poetry (even if later it is realized in a completely different direction).

Farisha Knyazeva, a teacher of literature at the Umskul online school, emphasizes the importance of early familiarization of the child with the world of literature and poetry:

"First of all, the teacher (or a close person) must show his love for poetry himself, in his manner of recitation, those vivid emotions that the child can adopt should be clearly read ... In no case should you force the child to cram, this is his more repulsive from poetry. Obviously, teachers cannot deviate from the rules of the school curriculum, but you should not require children to strictly comply with the requirements of the teaching process. Ask which poems each of them like best, offer several works to choose from. It will be very exciting for students to stage poetry performances, where each student will be able to try on a particular role, feel the emotions of the hero and delve into the essence of the work.And, of course, do not forget about parents, because most of the time children spend in the environment adults, for them they are an example, so it is important that care for instilling a love for poetry l she rode not only on the shoulders of the teacher, but was also supported by her relatives.

The world of rhymes, stanzas and quatrains is huge and, of course, worthy of showing it to a little person. It is possible that once entering this magical world, the child will eventually become a large, significant part of it.
