, author: Ermakova M.

Even tastier: top ways to cook pasta

Regular spaghetti or “feathers” will reveal their taste thanks to simple life hacks.

There aren't that many people who don't like pasta too much, but if you're one of them, use these life hacks to transform your lunch or dinner.

Onions and tomatoes

Lightly fry the finely chopped onion and tomatoes. If desired, you can add cubes of ham or boiled sausage to these ingredients. Pasta with this dressing will be much tastier.

Oriental seasoning


Photo source: ru.freepik

Mix dry dill, finely chopped garlic, salt. Add a little oil, spoon the seasoning into the pasta bowl and enjoy. This spice will brighten the taste of the dish.



Photo source: freepik.com

Cheese is the perfect complement to pasta. Thanks to it, pasta acquires an expressive but delicate flavor. It is not at all necessary (but acceptable if you like) to use expensive types of cheese - any will do. A little life hack: prepare the grated cheese in advance, put it in a container and place it in the freezer. This will save time preparing the dish, because there will be no need to take out a grater every time you want to treat yourself to such a simple and tasty meal.


Canned tuna will turn regular pasta into authentic Italian pasta. Fry the onion in a frying pan until golden brown, add the tomatoes to it, fry everything together for another 2-3 minutes. Then pour in the tomato paste (you can also use ketchup or tomato juice) and add canned tuna, after chopping it until it is as smooth as possible. In order not to mash canned food with a fork, you can buy tuna for preparing salads - it has the puree-like consistency necessary for this dish. This sauce needs to be simmered over low heat for another 3 minutes, and then you can add pasta cooked until half cooked. This pasta option is suitable for both a romantic dinner and a family feast.
