, author: Ermakova M.

The dragon will appreciate: top 3 original salads for the New Year's table

The year 2024 will pass under the sign of the dragon. An unusual predatory animal needs to be surprised with something special. These interesting salads will definitely suit his taste.

Olivier and herring under a fur coat are undoubtedly the stars of the New Year's table, but sometimes you want to surprise your loved ones and friends with something new. Here are a few salad recipes that will definitely appease the symbol of the coming year - the Dragon:

Fried bacon salad

Slices of bacon

This hearty, hearty salad will please meat eaters. Fry bacon slices, add cherry tomatoes and arugula, and top with a handful of potato chips. Season the salad with a mixture of mustard and mayonnaise and enjoy! The dragon is a lover of brutal food, so he will approve of such a dish.

Delicate and spicy salad

Crab Sticks

Crab stick salad is another integral part of the holiday menu. We offer an improved version of this dish. Boil 100 g of rice. Remove all crab sticks from packaging, cut into cubes and combine with rice. Add 200 g of grated cheese, the same amount of Korean carrots and canned corn. Season with mayonnaise and appreciate new flavors of your favorite dish. The salad became more tender thanks to the cheese, and the Korean carrots gave it a slight sourness and spiciness, which will attract the attention of the symbol of the year (don’t forget that, among other things, he is also fire-breathing).

Beetroot and pomegranate salad

This light snack decorates the holiday table with just its appearance. The salad turns out bright and appetizing. One beet should be baked or boiled, then cut into cubes. One fresh apple is also cut into cubes and added to the beets. Then the seeds of one pomegranate should be placed in a bowl, as well as a package of salad mix (of course, the salad leaves must be thoroughly washed and dried before this). Mix all ingredients well and season with olive oil, salt and pepper. This salad combines red and green shades, which Drakosha really likes.

Bon appetit and Happy New Year!


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