, author: Ermakova M.

How to Protect Your Hearing with Proper Nutrition

Regularly following a balanced alternative Mediterranean diet, combined with consuming other “hearing-protective” foods, may be an effective way to prevent age-related hearing loss.

Photo source: https://ru.123rf.com/profile_serezniy

Maintaining the health of the hearing system is an important task, especially given the growing prevalence of age-related hearing loss among the elderly. Recently, scientists have increasingly focused on the role of proper nutrition in preventing hearing loss.

One of the largest studies in this area involved 71,000 women aged 27-44. According to experts, strict adherence to the alternative Mediterranean diet (AMED) can significantly reduce the likelihood of age-related hearing loss. In participants who maximally adhered to the principles of amed in their diet, this risk was 30% lower compared to other respondents.

The secret of AMED's effectiveness lies in its effect on key physiological indicators directly related to the health of the hearing organs. The nutritional system is aimed at reducing cholesterol levels, normalizing blood pressure and preventing the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

AMED is based on the priority of plant-based foods - fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, low-fat dairy products, olive oil, nuts and white meat. The amount of animal products and saturated fats in the diet should be limited. This diet provides the body with the necessary nutrients.

The effect of cholesterol and blood pressure on the state of the auditory system deserves special attention. Excess of these indicators can negatively affect the blood supply to the cochlea in the inner ear - this sensitive part that plays a key role in the perception of sounds. Impaired blood supply to the cochlea can lead to hearing loss.

Therefore, following AMED, aimed at maintaining optimal cholesterol and blood pressure levels, can be an effective preventive measure against age-related hearing loss. The combination of plant foods rich in nutrients, low-fat dairy products, fish, nuts and limiting animal fats create favorable conditions for normal blood supply and functioning of the inner ear.

Some studies also indicate that individual components of amed, such as polyphenols from olive oil and berries, can have a direct positive effect on the condition of the ear and the auditory system as a whole. This makes the comprehensive approach to nutrition according to the principles of amed even more effective in preventing age-related hearing loss.

In addition to AMED, experts recommend including in the diet that promotes hearing health other products rich in nutrients important for the organs of hearing - vitamins A, C, E, as well as zinc, magnesium, iron.

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