, author: Plackhin A.

How to recognize quality watermelons and melons: top tips

The summer season is traditionally associated with an abundance of juicy and flavorful melons and watermelons.

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However, to enjoy their flavor without compromising your health, you need to be extremely careful when choosing these fruits.

One of the main problems that buyers may encounter is the high nitrate content in watermelons and melons. These substances often accumulate in gourds grown with the use of large amounts of fertilizers. And since we consume these fruits in large volumes, the risk of getting an excessive dose of nitrates becomes quite high. This can cause serious digestive problems, poisoning and other negative health consequences.

To avoid trouble, experts recommend paying close attention to the appearance of watermelons and melons when choosing them. Thus, for watermelons, an indicator of high nitrate content is a lumpy and uneven rind. This is due to the too rapid growth of the fruit, which does not have time to "smooth" its surface. It is important that the ideal fruit has a smooth, even rind with clear stripes. Also experienced buyers look at the presence and color of the area lying on the ground. In ripe watermelon, this area has a pronounced yellow tint, and in immature watermelon - light or white.


Photo source: https://ru.freepik.com/

The sound the watermelon makes when tapped is also important. It should be ringing, which indicates its fullness and the absence of internal voids. In addition, pay attention to the seeds - if they are fully ripened, and the pulp has a natural color and pleasant aroma, then the watermelon can be safely purchased.

When choosing melons, there are characteristic features that are worth paying attention to. First of all, it is the clarity and severity of the mesh on the rind of the fruit - the brighter it is, the riper the melon. It is also important to assess the aroma - the stronger it is, the more likely that the melon is fully ripe. Another way to determine maturity is to press lightly on the spout of the fruit, which will be soft in a ripe melon.

Separately, it is worth noting that to reduce risks, it is better to buy watermelons and melons in verified places, for example, at the market or from farmers. This will allow you to be more confident in the quality and safety of purchased products.

By following these simple rules when choosing watermelons and melons, buyers will be able to enjoy their excellent taste and aroma without worrying about possible health consequences. The main thing is to carefully study the external signs of fruits in order to recognize quality and ripe melons.

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