, author: Ermakova M.

Ice cream: a refreshing pleasure or a dangerous temptation?

Experts recommend approaching ice cream consumption with extreme caution and moderation in order to minimize possible negative consequences.

Photo source: https://ru.123rf.com/profile_rhj2017

Ice cream is one of the most beloved and popular desserts in the world. It is difficult to imagine a summer day without this cool delicacy. However, despite its apparent harmlessness, experts warn that for some categories of people, eating ice cream can be associated with serious health risks.

So, first of all, we are talking about individuals who are overweight or prone to skin diseases. For them, limiting ice cream consumption to once a month can be an important preventive measure. Moreover, some experts believe that this dessert should be abandoned altogether.

The main reason why ice cream can be harmful to health is its nutrient composition. It turns out that this product is not able to provide the body with a sufficient amount of useful substances, such as vitamins and minerals. At the same time, it contains an excess of sugar and calories, which can provoke a number of negative effects.

In addition, ice cream made from milk is characterized by a minimum content of protein and calcium. These valuable nutrients are virtually negated by the high levels of sugar and fat in the finished product.

A sharp rise in blood sugar and insulin, which is often observed after eating ice cream, especially on an empty stomach, can also be quite dangerous. Experts recommend eating this dessert only if a person expects significant physical activity during the day that requires serious energy expenditure. Otherwise, excess calorie intake can provoke weight gain.

However, not everything is so clear-cut. A number of studies show that ice cream can also have certain positive effects on the body. Thus, this dessert can stimulate the production of endorphins - hormones responsible for feelings of pleasure and good mood. This, in turn, helps improve the quality of sleep, increase stress resistance and overall psychological well-being.

Thus, ice cream is a kind of dual product. On the one hand, its consumption can be associated with considerable health risks, especially for certain categories of people. On the other hand, this dessert can give true pleasure and even have a positive effect on well-being.

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