, author: Ermakova M.

Five foods that lose flavor and nutrition when frozen

For many housewives, preparing food for the winter is a whole science.

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One of the popular methods of preservation is freezing, which allows you to preserve the valuable qualities of fresh products even in the cold season. However, not all types of food tolerate this process equally well - there are some that lose their taste characteristics and nutritional value when frozen.

The most striking example is fresh tomatoes. It would seem that they are easy to freeze, then use in soups, sauces or just for salads. But, alas, after defrosting, tomatoes become a shapeless mass, devoid of not only juiciness and bright aroma, but also most of the vitamins. Under the influence of low temperatures, thermolabile vitamins C and A are destroyed, and the taste qualities also deteriorate.

You should not freeze such a popular green as basil. This aromatic component of many dishes loses its rich taste and smell when frozen. Instead of a spicy, slightly sweet aroma, defrosted basil will give off only herbaceous notes. But it is the rich aroma and taste that are the main advantage of this green.

Another product that is highly undesirable to freeze are eggs. When defrosted, they lose most of their beneficial properties: the content of vitamin A, riboflavin, choline and other nutrients decreases. Moreover, when stored in the freezer for a long time, the structure of eggs changes, which is why they may look and feel unappetizing in the finished dish.

Photo source: 123rf.com

Delicate cheeses, such as moldy, soft, and brine cheeses, are especially hard to freeze. During freezing and subsequent thawing, the texture of such cheeses deteriorates, they become crumbly, and lose their flavor. Therefore, experts recommend avoiding preserving these dairy products for future use.

Another product that is best not to freeze is avocado. This nutritious fruit (yes, avocado is a fruit!) at low temperatures loses not only its delicate flesh, but also most of its valuable nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Defrosted avocados become hard, fibrous, and practically inedible.

Thus, despite all the conveniences that freezing food promises, not all types of food tolerate this process well. Tomatoes, basil, eggs, soft cheeses and avocados are the best foods to eat fresh or find alternative ways to preserve them. This is the only way to preserve their bright taste, rich aroma and maximum health benefits.

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