, author: Ermakova M.

Fitness expert shared the secret of a perfect body

In striving for perfection, it is important not to torture yourself with restrictions, but to observe the measure.

Spring is rapidly coming into its own - very soon the positive temperature will become stable, which means that light jackets will replace the down jackets, under which dresses will hide. But what if during the winter the figure lost its former seductive outlines? Don't worry, they can be returned quickly. President of the Association of Fitness Industry Operators Olga Kiseleva told how:

“Walk your 10,000 steps a day, it really helps speed up your metabolism,” she advised. This is especially true for those who were not too mobile in winter.

The specialist also mentioned the importance of proper weight loss - it is necessary that the number of calories burned slightly exceeds the number consumed.

“Try not to eat after six, thus reducing the amount of calories in your daily meal,” recommends Kiseleva. This will save you from having to follow an unnecessarily strict diet and limit yourself. Make a menu in which, in addition to healthy products, there will be those favorite goodies that you cannot refuse - for example, sausage sandwiches or shawarma.
