, author: Plackhin A.

Sugar plums — the benefits and harms of persimmons

One of the most popular fruits in the fall and winter season. What do we know about it?

Persimmon is a fleshy orange fruit whose name means "dried fruit" in Algonquian. Outwardly, the fruit does indeed slightly resemble a heart. Persimmons are loved for their delicate consistency and sweetness. But in addition to flavor properties, this fruit has a number of other benefits:

Boosts mood

Persimmons contain glucose and sucrose, which act as a mild antidepressant. It is important not to overdo it with eating persimmons - a large amount of sugar has a detrimental effect on the figure.

Protects against heart disease

Persimmon pulp (especially in its jelly-like part) contains a lot of potassium - this element strengthens the walls of blood vessels and muscles of the heart, making the organ more resistant to various kinds of stress.

Slows aging

The orange color of persimmons is due to their high content of beta-carotene. It is a very strong antioxidant, a substance that can fight free radicals that destroy cell structures, thus fighting the signs of aging of our skin. It should be noted that there is more of it in persimmons than in any other fruit or vegetable of the same color.

It transforms

Thanks to the high content of vitamins C and P in this colorful fruit, persimmon pulp gives a natural healthy glow to the skin and hair. Face and hair masks made from persimmons ground into a pulp are effective, yet very mild.

Who should not eat persimmons?

There are several categories of people who should minimize the use of orange fruit or refuse it altogether:

- Overweight/diabetic people - persimmons contain a lot of sugar (just over 25%) so eating them contributes to weight gain.

- Pregnant - persimmons contain tannins, they are difficult for the body to digest and can be dangerous for women late in pregnancy. The tough skin of persimmons is hard and slow to digest.

-Children under the age of three - the digestive system of babies is not yet fully formed. The tannins in persimmons can glue food pieces together in the stomach, which generally makes digestion difficult and causes other GI problems.
