, author: Plackhin A.

Not knowing the measure: the dangers of tangerine abuse

The main New Year's treat is better consumed in reasonable quantities, so as not to spoil the holiday. Experts will tell you how many mandarins you can eat a day without harming your health.

Mandarins are one of the gastronomic symbols of the New Year. The aroma of this citrus is involuntarily associated with the holiday, takes you back to carefree childhood, and the natural sweetness of the tangerine gives a good mood. No wonder that this bright fruit is so loved and on the eve of the most important holiday of the year eat large quantities, at the same time providing your body with a daily dose of vitamins.

However, the abuse of even the most delicious and healthy food can be dangerous.

What are the consequences of overeating tangerines? Who should eat them with caution? A word from the experts:

Sugar and fiber

"It all depends on what we understand by the word 'overeating'," says therapist and chief physician of the Detox Clinic, Artem Vyacheslavovich Merinov. "For example, 3-4 citrus fruits will not affect health in any way. But here are 10 mandarins are able to harm a person. The problem is that they (like oranges), are rich in sucrose. In 100 grams of tangerines, as in oranges, there are about 10 grams of sugar (about 7-8 g.), and 100 grams is one medium tangerine. If a person eats 10 fruits at a time, then in one sitting we get about 100 grams of sugars, and therefore extra carbohydrates, which will be difficult to get rid of. And also tangerine is a real source of fiber. Therefore, overdoing the amount of fruit, you can provoke relaxation of the walls of the stomach and cause diarrhea.

An adult can (and should) eat up to 5-6 tangerines a day. After all, it improves appetite, strengthen human health, help improve digestion, and thanks to phytoncidal properties have an antimicrobial effect. Tangerines should not be used by people with acute nephritis, hepatitis, exacerbations of duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis, exacerbation of peptic ulcer and those who suffer from renal stone disease".


Ekaterina Kurbatova, an expert at the telemedicine consultation portal Arimed, says that people with the above-mentioned GI diseases should reduce the consumption of mandarins because of the acid they contain, which irritates the stomach. It is also undesirable for people with allergies and those who take certain medications, including those containing calcium and iron, "as mandarins can interact with them and worsen their effectiveness."

Ekaterina outlined a specific norm of tangerine consumption, which will definitely not harm anyone: "The amount of tangerines that can be eaten per day without harming health depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Usually it is recommended not to consume more than 2-3 mandarins per day".

Enjoy the taste of New Year's citrus fruits without forgetting your sense of proportion.
