, author: Ermakova M.

Tomato juice has a beneficial effect on blood cholesterol levels

The best protection against heart disease may not be in your medicine cabinet, but in your kitchen.

Photo source: 123rf.com

Diet plays a critical role in the prevention and development of cardiovascular disease, and eating a tomato high in lycopene can prevent and reverse the accumulation of fat in the arteries and hardening of artery walls.

Tomato has many benefits:

1. Rich source of antioxidants. Tomato contains large amounts of lycopene, a very effective antioxidant against cancer caused by free radicals. This advantage does not disappear even if the tomatoes are cooked. Both tomato juice and tomato paste will be useful.

2. Lowers cholesterol and protects the heart. Lycopene in tomatoes prevents lipid oxidation in blood serum, thereby exerting a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases. Regular consumption of tomatoes has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. These lipids are the main culprits in cardiovascular diseases as they cause fat to be deposited in the blood vessels.

Tomato juice.

Photo source: 123rf.com

3. Source of vitamins and minerals. One tomato can provide about 40% of your daily requirement of vitamin C, which is a natural antioxidant that works against cancer caused by free radicals. It also contains vitamin A and lots of potassium, as well as iron. Potassium plays a vital role in maintaining healthy nerves, while iron is essential for maintaining healthy blood. Tomatoes are high in vitamin K, which is essential for blood clotting and controls bleeding.

4. Counteract the effects of tobacco. Two of the main components of tomatoes, coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid, are essential in the fight against nitrosamines, which are produced in the body when smoking* and are the main carcinogens in cigarette smoke.

5. Improves vision. Vitamin A found in tomatoes helps improve vision, prevent night blindness and macular degeneration.

6. Supports intestinal health. Tomato maintains a healthy digestive system and prevents constipation and diarrhea. It also prevents jaundice and effectively removes toxins from the body.

7. Reduces hypertension. Eating tomatoes daily reduces the risk of developing hypertension.

8. Relieves diabetes. Eating tomatoes daily reduces oxidative stress in type 2 diabetes.


Photo source: 123rf.com

9. For healthy skin. Tomatoes help maintain healthy teeth, bones, hair and skin. Topical application of tomato juice is used to heal burns. Eating tomatoes daily protects your skin from UV rays. Tomato plays a prominent role in anti-aging foods.

10. Prevents urinary tract infections. Eating tomatoes also reduces the incidence of urinary tract infections as well as bladder cancer.

11. Prevents the formation of gallstones. Regular consumption of tomatoes also helps dissolve gallstones.

Tomatoes are often recommended for weight loss diets. One of the main benefits is its ability to act as a drainage agent, it is low in calories and is an excellent diuretic that is also able to activate the metabolism, helping to burn fat.

Tomato juice, consumed regularly and in the early hours of the day, helps you start your day in the best possible way. They can complement breakfast.

Contraindications to drinking tomato juice

The big problem with tomatoes is their acidity, which can cause discomfort in the digestive tract.

Tomatoes are one of the foods that are not recommended for mouth ulcers due to their acidity. Many people undergoing chemotherapy suffer from side effects. mucositis, which causes inflammation and ulcers, and the pain of which is worsened by eating acidic foods such as tomatoes.

For the same reason, people with digestive disorders should avoid consuming it. If you suffer from esophageal reflux, heartburn, stomach ulcers, or have undergone surgery on the digestive tract, it is advisable to refrain from drinking tomato juice.

Due to their potassium content, consumption of tomatoes is also contraindicated for those people who need to limit their intake of this mineral. As is the case with patients with kidney or heart pathology, insulin deficiency or metabolic acidosis.

*Smoking is bad for your health.

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