, author: Ermakova M.

Iron Benefits: 6 Iron-Fortified Foods

All of them are present in the menu of healthy nutrition supporters. Why not join their ranks?

Iron is one of those elements that is of tremendous importance for our health. With a lack of iron, a person may feel constant weakness, fatigue, headaches and other manifestations of malaise. Iron deficiency reduces performance and weakens concentration, so it is necessary to uninterruptedly provide the body with the necessary element. This is possible with the help of medications, but it is much easier and more pleasant to get iron from food products - simple and familiar to each of us:

Red meat

Pork kaurma

Photo source: https://ru.123rf.com/profile_theataraxia

Beef, pork and lamb are excellent sources of iron. It is easily absorbed by the body from these types of meat.


meat dish

Photo source: ru.freepik

This is one of the most iron-rich foods. It is also a good source of other nutrients such as vitamin B12 and folic acid.

Some types of seafood

Squid fried with garlic and hot pepper

Photo source: https://ru.123rf.com/profile_topntp

This refers to oysters, squid and mussels. They are rich in iron and also contain zinc and selenium necessary for the body.



Photo source: 123rf.com

Beans, lentils and peas, in addition to a large amount of iron, contain a lot of protein, without which the growth and development of muscles throughout the body is impossible.


Many cereals are fortified with iron - oats, buckwheat, corn. Their frequent use will compensate for iron deficiency in people who do not eat meat.


Photo source: freepik.com

This type of green is also an excellent source of iron. The advantage of spinach is that its taste is neutral, which means it will “take root” on the menu of those who are not too fond of greens.

Who should eat foods rich in iron?

Everyone needs to include iron-rich foods in their diet, but some groups of people are at higher risk of being deficient in this important element. These include:

  1. Women with heavy periods
  2. Pregnant women
  3. Children
  4. Teenagers
  5. Vegetarians and vegans
  6. People recovering from surgery.