, author: Plackhin A.

Possible link between IVF and brain tumors

The problem of the occurrence of malignant brain neoplasms, especially among young and prominent women, is often associated with the use of in vitro fertilization (IVF) technologies and late childbirth.

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Is such a correlation reasonable? This question was commented on by leading Russian oncologist, academician Andrei Kaprin in his Telegram channel.

According to the specialist, brain tumors can seriously affect the quality of life of the patient. This applies even to benign neoplasms. Increasing in size, neoplasms put pressure on important structures of the organ, provoking neurological, behavioral and hormonal disorders. At the same time, malignant tumors, due to their more aggressive nature, grow much faster.

It is noteworthy that, according to Academician Caprin, brain tumors are not hereditary. The presence of such cases in relatives does not increase the risk of their occurrence in close relatives.

Regarding the alleged link between IVF and the development of brain cancer, the doctor said that to date there is no convincing evidence of this. He emphasized that in order to establish a reliable correlation, the results of large-scale population studies are needed, which have not yet been conducted.

“In a population sense, the incidence of brain tumors per 100,000 population is about the same almost since the 40s of the last century,” the specialist said, adding that slight fluctuations in statistics from year to year cannot indicate the influence of IVF.

“In a population sense, the incidence of brain tumors per 100,000 population is about the same almost since the 40s of the last century,” the specialist said, adding that slight fluctuations in statistics from year to year cannot indicate the influence of IVF.

At the same time, Kaprin recognized that the procedure of in vitro fertilization, accompanied by hormonal impact on the woman's body, can provoke the development of other types of malignant neoplasms. First of all, we are talking about breast and ovarian tumors, which, according to experts' observations, behave more aggressively during IVF.

It is important to note that not only women suffer from brain tumors. This pathology is also found in men of different age categories. Thus, although the link between IVF and brain cancer has not yet been proven, the influence of assisted reproductive technologies on the occurrence of other cancers cannot be ruled out.

Consequently, despite the tragic stories of famous individuals who have died of glioblastoma, it is premature to assert a direct causal relationship with IVF. Larger and more comprehensive epidemiologic studies are needed to draw definitive conclusions that will help to clarify this complex issue.

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