, author: Plackhin A.

Dentists warn: dry mouth can lead to a number of serious problems

Constant mouth dryness can be a sign of the development of a number of dangerous diseases.

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The problem of dry mouth, or xerostomia, is attracting increasing attention from dental professionals because it can be a precursor to a number of serious conditions. This condition, characterized by a decrease or complete cessation of saliva production, not only creates discomfort and impedes basic functions such as chewing and swallowing, but also significantly increases the risk of a whole range of dental problems.

For example, according to experts, xerostomia can be a risk factor for diseases such as stomatitis, glossitis, candidiasis, and cracked corners of the mouth. This is because saliva plays a key role in the natural moisturizing and self-cleaning of the oral cavity, and its deficiency disrupts this important balance, creating a favorable environment for the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms and the development of inflammatory processes.

The main causes of dry mouth most often become various disorders of the salivary glands. Experts emphasize that these disorders can be caused by a variety of factors - from taking certain drugs and radiation therapy in the neck area to age-related changes in the body and the development of diseases of the salivary glands themselves.

For example, some groups of medications, such as antidepressants, diuretics, and anti-allergic drugs, can have the side effect of suppressing the salivary glands and, consequently, lead to chronic dry mouth. In addition, this condition is often observed in patients who have undergone radiation therapy in the head and neck - in this case, damage to the salivary gland tissues becomes the direct cause of xerostomia.

Interestingly, age-related changes in the body can also be associated with a gradual decrease in saliva production. This is due to the natural aging of all organs and systems, including the salivary glands. Accordingly, the elderly are in the group of increased risk of developing xerostomia.

As for the treatment of this condition, it is usually aimed at eliminating the root cause of the problem. For example, if dry mouth is provoked by taking certain medications, the doctor may recommend canceling or replacing them with analogs that do not have a similar side effect. In addition, methods are used to stimulate salivation with the help of special preparations that contribute to the restoration of natural moisturization of the oral cavity.

For example, some groups of medications, such as antidepressants, diuretics, and anti-allergic drugs, can have the side effect of suppressing the salivary glands and, consequently, lead to chronic dry mouth. In addition, this condition is often observed in patients who have undergone radiation therapy in the head and neck - in this case, damage to the salivary gland tissues becomes the direct cause of xerostomia.

Interestingly, age-related changes in the body can also be associated with a gradual decrease in saliva production. This is due to the natural aging of all organs and systems, including the salivary glands. Accordingly, the elderly are in the group of increased risk of developing xerostomia.

As for the treatment of this condition, it is usually aimed at eliminating the root cause of the problem. For example, if dry mouth is provoked by taking certain medications, the doctor may recommend canceling or replacing them with analogs that do not have a similar side effect. In addition, methods are used to stimulate salivation with the help of special preparations that contribute to the restoration of natural moisturization of the oral cavity.

Artificial saliva substitutes - sprays, gels or lozenges that temporarily compensate for the lack of saliva - can also be used as adjunctive therapy. If secondary dental diseases have developed as a result of xerostomia, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and regenerating agents are prescribed for their treatment.

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