, author: Ermakova M.

Why do legs swell in the heat and what to do about it

Swelling of the legs in high temperatures can be a sign of serious illnesses

Photo source: 123rf.com

Swelling of the legs in hot weather is a fairly common phenomenon, which, however, can signal the presence of serious health problems. Experts explained what the main reasons can cause this symptom and what to do to avoid complications.

One of the most common causes of swelling of the legs in the heat is venous insufficiency. In high temperatures, the elasticity of the veins decreases, which leads to an increase in hydrostatic pressure in the vessels. As a result, the liquid part of the blood begins to seep into the interstitial space, causing swelling.

Another common cause may be heart failure. Under the influence of heat, the heart is forced to work more intensively to ensure accelerated blood circulation through the vessels. However, for people with heart failure, such a load may be excessive, which will lead to a weakening of the pumping function of the heart and, as a result, to the appearance of swelling of the legs.

The doctor calls renal failure another possible cause of swelling. In hot weather, the body loses more fluid due to increased sweating, as a result of which the kidneys begin to receive less blood. This, in turn, can aggravate existing kidney problems and provoke edema.

If your legs start to swell in the heat, do not postpone a visit to a specialist. Timely diagnosis and elimination of the cause will help prevent the development of more serious complications. As a preventive measure in the summer, regardless of the weather, wear compression hosiery, which helps maintain venous outflow. If you have heart failure, you must regularly take all medications prescribed by your doctor.

In addition, it is extremely important to ensure that you maintain a sufficient level of hydration. Dehydration provokes a redistribution of fluid from the vascular bed to the interstitial space, thereby disrupting the blood supply to vital organs. Therefore, doctors recommend drinking more fluid in the heat to compensate for its increased loss.

Thus, swelling of the legs in high temperatures may be a signal of serious diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary or venous systems. Timely contact with a specialist and following his recommendations will not only eliminate the problem, but also prevent the development of dangerous complications.

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