Why does an irresistible desire for sweets arise and how to compensate for
Many people periodically experience an irresistible craving for various sweets - be it chocolate, cookies or pastries.
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An increased need for sweets is not always a simple whim: according to experts, it may indicate a deficiency in the body of a number of important substances and microelements.
Thus, the desire to indulge in a chocolate bar may indicate a deficiency of magnesium, an element involved in energy production, helping to normalize the nervous system and cope with stress. To replenish its reserves, doctors recommend including more seafood, brown rice, bananas, avocados, nuts and bell peppers in the diet.
If a person is especially drawn to cakes and croissants, this may indicate a deficiency of tryptophan, an amino acid involved in the synthesis of the "happiness hormone" serotonin. In this case, it is worth paying attention to such products as chicken or turkey meat, milk, eggs, as well as fatty fish such as salmon or mackerel.
In addition, a constant desire to eat large quantities of any desserts may indicate a lack of chromium, a trace element that is responsible for maintaining insulin balance and preventing blood sugar fluctuations. To replenish it, it is useful to eat more carrots, liver, poultry, broccoli, corn, tomatoes, and beets.
According to experts, a gradual reduction in the amount of sugar in the diet will help get rid of cravings for sugar, rather than replacing it with sugar substitutes. As studies show, getting used to less sweet consumption takes an average of 3 to 6 days.
However, if the desire for sweets does not go away even after giving them up, and the need for sweets becomes all-consuming, this may be a symptom of serious disorders in the body. In such cases, experts recommend consulting a doctor for a comprehensive examination and identifying possible hidden deficiencies or diseases.
It is worth noting that the tendency to consume sweets in different people can be caused not only by physiological but also by psychological factors. For example, sweets can act as an emotional boost, helping to cope with stress, fatigue or depression. Therefore, in some cases, it is important to pay attention to a person’s mental state.
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