, author: Plackhin A.

Psychologist named the advantages of late motherhood

Modern women are in no hurry to have children, preferring first to make a career.

The age at which women become mothers for the first time is now a little beyond the "social" norm. If the older generation had children in their twenties, today this responsible step is made after 30 years of age. Psychologist Yevgeny Idzikovsky commented on late motherhood.

"All things considered, money, still gives more opportunity, confidence and stability. The more money, the easier it is to raise a child," - said the expert, meaning that wealthy mothers can give the child a quality of life, better opportunities for development and education, to provide themselves with a nanny or au pair, thus removing some of the burden of the household (often the problems of everyday life lead to postpartum depression).

The only downside of having a late childbearing specialist considers the big age difference between mom and child. It will be more difficult for an adult mother to understand her son or daughter when he or she faces, for example, the difficulties of adolescence.
