, author: Plackhin A.

The chef offered three options for strawberry dishes

Strawberries are delicious in their own right, but sometimes you get tired of chewing them in their "pure" form. In this case, original recipes are real blessings.

With the onset of summer, all Russian cities started selling strawberries. This fragrant berry can be not only an independent dish - in an interview with "Evening Moscow" chef Anatoly Kryukov told what else you can make from strawberries to surprise guests (well, or yourself). Spoiler - no, these are not desserts.

Strawberry salad.

Ingredient list:

- Three strawberries;

- arugula (spinach can be used instead);

- mushrooms (preferably mushrooms);

- shrimps

Fry shrimps and mushrooms in vegetable oil - this is the bottom layer of the salad. Next we cut arugula and put the strawberries cuted into circles on it. Dress the salad with the sauce made of mustard in grains, olive oil and lemon juice. Serve to the table.

Chicken with strawberries.

To make the chicken we need gherkin, salad mix, strawberries, garlic, mix of georgian spices called khmeli-suneli(it contains coriander seed, celery seed, dried basil, dill, parsley, blue fenugreek, summer savory, bay leaf, mint and marigold), sweet paprika and balsamic cream sauce. Sprinkle sweet paprika over the chicken and pan-fry lightly, add the khmeli-suneli and a small amount of finely chopped garlic. Then we place it in the oven, where the chicken should " dwell" until it is completely cooked. Then we divide the cooked chicken into medium-sized pieces and place them in a wide plate. Place the salad leaves and sliced berries on the meat, dress the dish with balsamic cream sauce.

Strawberry Gazpacho.

We will need 200 grams of strawberries, the same amount of tomatoes, cream, mint, dry white bread, 1.5 cups of water and spices.

Peel the tomatoes and chop them randomly, along with the strawberries. Then put everything except the mint and cream in a blender. The resulting mass is passed through a fine sieve for even greater homogeneity. Pour into glasses or plates, garnish with mint and add a little cream. Salt and pepper as required.