, author: Ermakova M.

Lose weight for the summer: 6 steps to the perfect body

The endocrinologist told how to put yourself in order for the warm season.

Winter is behind. It's time to make plans for spring and summer, as well as prepare for warm days. Endocrinologist Zukhra Pavlova told how to quickly bring the figure into a stunning look.

1. Motivation

You need to create an incentive for yourself to lose weight. Buying a swimsuit or dress one size down is a great option. Of course, the thing should be such that the desire to lose weight to the desired mark awakened in you instantly.

2. Power control

It will not be superfluous to keep track of what, how much and when you ate. Write it down in a notebook so you don't forget anything. Ideally, late snacks should be eliminated from the diet. And it is better to chew food slowly, drinking water - this way you will be satiated faster, which means you will consume fewer calories.

3. Breakfast

People who do not have the habit of breakfast eat more at lunch and dinner. Find time for breakfast - the amount eaten will decrease.

4. Protein + fiber

The diet should consist mainly of fiber and protein. And sweet fruits and vegetables are best eaten only in the morning.

5. No sweets

Try to do without sweets in the evening - this will also benefit the figure.

6. Healthy sleep

If you make it a rule to go to bed before 11:00 pm, then you can notice how calories will begin to "burn" in a dream. A dream that began after midnight, alas, does not have such a beauty effect.

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