, author: Plackhin A.

Suspicious greens: what is the danger of mold on the nails?

Breaking and lack of vitamins does not horrify girls as much as discovering a green stain during the removal of the coating. Definitely, such marks can indicate nail fungus.

A green toenail is not a disaster, but it's not a pretty sight. The appearance of mold on the nail plate is evidence of a fungal disease called onychomycosis. If greenish specks appeared on the nail, it's time to run to a podologist or an experienced nail specialist, because you need to treat such a disease urgently. The manager of the salon NailMaker Bar Yana Dmitrienko told us more about it.

"Brittleness and vitamin deficiencies don't terrify girls as much as discovering a green stain while removing the coating. Definitely, such traces can indicate nail fungus. On the one hand, such a disease is not dangerous at first, but if you run it, you can lose the previous beauty and shape of the nails," - says the manager of the salon NailMaker Bar Yana Dmitrienko.

The main causes of fungus can be a humid environment, poor handling of manicure tools, contact with mold, mechanical damage to the skin or nail.

Possible complications and risks

At the initial stage, fungal nail diseases do not pose a serious danger. However, this does not mean that if you do not deal with the issue of treatment of this problem, later it will not bring any more significant consequences. It is extremely important, when the first symptoms appear, to contact a specialist to prescribe treatment.
The main danger with complications is that this disease can affect not only the aesthetics of the nails, but also spread to other parts of the body. So it turns out that when the fungal disease progresses, not only the nails but also the fingers themselves can suffer.

Detecting mold at an early stage

The naked eye to notice mold on the nail plate in the very beginning is not so easy, but the symptoms that are worth paying attention to, can give away the fungus immediately. These symptoms include brittleness of the nail plate, redness of the skin around the nail, sensitivity of the skin around the nail plate and the nail itself, a yellowish or blue-green color, and pain when pressing on the nail. Even one of these symptoms is already a reason to worry and consult a podologist.

How to get rid of mold?

You can't do without treatment, but it's important not to act at random, but under the supervision of a specialist. The usual baths, disinfectants and any folk methods can not only not help, but also make it much worse. Fortunately, in today's world there are many antifungal agents from many different manufacturers.

Even the form of treatment can be chosen convenient: external antifungal drugs for treatment are available in the form of ointments and drops, and even varnish. If you run the disease, you can even lose a nail, leading to surgical removal, but timely treatment will get rid of the problem and forget about it, preserving the beauty of the fingertips.

Treatment of the nail in this case takes minutes, but it is important to apply, the doctor's prescribed remedy only on clean and dried hands. In addition, it is recommended to have as little contact with water and moisture as possible until a complete cure, but without neglecting hygiene


Appearance plays a serious role, but we should not forget about the state of health. More often than not, the body itself gives signs that something is bothering it. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the condition of the plate after the removal of the next coating. A timely visit to a specialist can prevent serious consequences, as well as reduce the time that will be needed for treatment and recovery.

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