, author: Ermakova M.

Evil or good? How to respond to criticism

The expert advises to maintain self-control and "pump" self-confidence.

Faced with criticism, we do not always understand how to respond to it and how to behave with those who make comments. The Russian writer and philosopher Alexander Korol spoke about how to correctly respond to the words of the interlocutor.

Criticism in your address can be heard both from relatives and from those with whom you are at a greater distance - colleagues, neighbors ... Someone else's statement can sink deep into consciousness and even hurt a person. No matter how offensive the words spoken to you may seem, it is worth responding to them neutrally and preventing the development of a conflict. Most often, criticism is not to offend or humiliate a person, but to help him change something for the better.

Search for the truth

If strong emotions awaken inside you from what was said, it is better to wait out this surge. Stress and excessive emotionality will make you even more vulnerable. Think about who the interlocutor is for you and how justified his criticism is. Often, in a fit of emotions, we do not notice our wrongness and do not listen to the words of others. You should look at the situation from the other side and understand the reasons.

steam from the head

Do not be afraid to ask questions - ask the interlocutor to explain what he meant. Even if the criticism is incorrect and superficial, there may be some truth in it. It is important to listen to comments - they can be useful. Disagreeing with the opinion of another person is not a reason to ignite a conflict. Each of us has our own views, they may not coincide. It is necessary to make it clear to the interlocutor that you are ready for interaction and are interested in solving problems, and not in creating new ones.

Everything is in us

A person's reaction to criticism depends on the level of his self-esteem and emotional stability. There are quite self-sufficient people who do not depend on the opinions of others. At the same time, there are those who reject any words spoken to him. This behavior can be explained by low self-esteem and the presence of complexes - criticism hits weak self-confidence. If you react sharply to other people's statements, try not to go beyond the reasonable and avoid conflict situations. This will help maintain a good relationship.

There are times when, from seething emotions, you want to enter into an argument and still defend your point of view. In no case should the dialogue develop into a quarrel or a global conflict. The most wrong reaction will be retaliatory criticism and the transition to personalities. When constructive comments end, people begin to hurt each other with facts and statements that are not related to the cause of the dispute. Such behavior shows a person not from the best side and speaks of his low self-esteem and self-doubt.

Whatever happens between people, it is necessary to respect each other's positions. If criticism is constructive, it can really change you for the better. An outside opinion helps to look at one's behavior and activities from a different angle, to work on mistakes.
