, author: Ermakova M.

Kim Kardashian suddenly regrets dating Pete Davidson

The celebrity abruptly changed intonation.

Photo source: social media

The short, but very stormy and widely discussed romance between TV presenter Kim Kardashian and actor-comedian Pete Davidson, contrary to the expectations of fans, did not end with a wedding.

However, both former lovers claimed that they parted as friends and did not regret anything.

Moreover, Kim has repeatedly publicly admitted that Pete was the best man she met in her lifetime.

But unexpectedly, Kardashian abruptly changed her tone during the next TV show, calling the affair with Davidson "a single woman's mistake."

According to the celebrity, at that time she was very worried about the consequences of a divorce from her husband Kanye West, and “here Pitt just turned up”, allegedly becoming a kind of outlet for a while.

Kardashian admitted that she did not plan to turn their relationship with Pitt into something serious, and even more so did not want to make it public.

“I jumped into a new relationship too quickly. It distracted me from my suffering, but created the risk of new personal tragedies, ”admitted the celebrity, who said she was glad the end of this novel.