, author: Ermakova M.

Hidden provocateurs: foods that seem healthy, but actually make you fat

Their beneficial properties are talked about a lot and often, but along with the benefits, these products also bring harm.

One of the reasons for weight gain is poor nutrition. Even if it seems to you that you eat exclusively healthy food, it would not be superfluous to study in more detail the properties of the products that make up your diet:

Cottage cheese

It has a lot of protein and calcium. It would seem, what’s the catch? Frequent consumption of this product leads to a set of extra pounds, since cottage cheese contains lactose - it is a simple carbohydrate.


man eating fruit

Photo source: https://ru.freepik.com/

Vitamins and minimal calories - this seems like the perfect snack. However, fruits that are consumed frequently are harmful to the body. They are high in fructose, a sugar that is converted into fat in the body. Fructose also provokes insulin dependence.

Coffee with toppings

Black coffee in moderation is very beneficial - caffeine improves concentration, stimulates creative thinking and relieves drowsiness. But by adding syrups, milk or cream to the drink, you significantly increase the caloric content of coffee (in one cup - 300-400 calories), which adds unnecessary centimeters to your waist.

Sweets, baked goods

Sinabon buns with chocolate

Photo source: 123rf.com/profile_zefirchik06

Sweet foods contain enough glucose, which stimulates brain activity, but excess sugar, as well as oil necessary for preparing flour products, leads to obesity, since both are simple carbohydrates that give a feeling of fullness for a very short time, and the resulting then hunger is increased many times over, forcing you to eat large portions.


At first glance, drinking fruit juice is completely beneficial, because it is a product obtained from a fragrant, vitamin-rich fruit. Freshly squeezed juices, when consumed irregularly, can be relatively healthy (after all, some of the vitamins are still “transported” from the fruit to the drink), but packaged juices are more difficult to call harmless. Before packaging, they are clarified, preservatives and, again, large quantities of sugar are added to the composition. Therefore, juice from a package is more of a dessert that you can occasionally treat yourself to, rather than a full-fledged drink that should be consumed regularly.


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