, author: Plackhin A.

Does sports help with fall moping and depression?

Is it possible to cope with this ailment on your own and what role does sport play in this.

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Depression is a word on everyone's lips, and some know it firsthand. A sad pun and an equally sad picture. According to WHO, every eighth person on the planet suffers from some kind of mental disorder, be it depression or chronic anxiety syndrome. Whether it is possible to cope with this disease on their own and what role in this sport plays - correspondents of the publication INC-News.ru talked to MSMK in athletics Valeria Andreeva and Proxima Fitness.

Is depression a disease?

Nowadays, the public chooses the right path and perceives depression as a disease, not as a "fashionable fad among the selebrities". Today there are several effective ways to treat or alleviate symptoms: consulting with a psychotherapist, taking antidepressants and physical activity. If with the first two points all is clear, but about sports we would like to talk in detail.

According to the results of many studies, it is sport that contributes to a smoother course of the disease, and in some cases even prevents the onset of depression. So the candidate of psychological sciences, the developer of the theory of adaptive intelligence Valery Gut notes that you can fight the manifestations of depression and stress with the help of physical or mental loads or their combination.

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A little bit about research

So, according to scientists from the University of South Australia, sport should become the only method in the treatment of depression. In the course of the study, the data of more than 128 thousand participants were analyzed. As a result, with regular exercise, an improvement in mental health was observed. In some cases, physical activity was much more effective than medication or counseling treatment.

Another study was conducted by American scientists. Scientists concluded that physical activity fights symptoms of depression much more effectively in patients whose reward system responds to reinforcement. Thus, the subjects either engaged in running or stretching. In total, they were 66 people diagnosed with major depressive disorder. The participants were divided into two groups: one group exercised on a treadmill or an exercise bike for 45 minutes three times a week for eight weeks, while the other group did stretching with the same frequency. During the experiment, symptoms of depression were assessed and analyzed, and an analysis of the reward system and cognitive control was also connected. By the end of the study, people who practiced running had significantly reduced symptoms of mental illness. When stretching, on the other hand, high results were not observed.

Sports aren't a magic bullet, though.

Of course, physical activity alone is unlikely to completely get rid of depression. However, as one of the methods is worth keeping in mind.

So why does sport have such a beneficial effect?

During physical activity, the body secretes hormones that are also responsible for pleasure. That is why we get positive emotions during training: whether it is rewarding ourselves for the work we have done or praise. Activity can be absolutely different: from moderate to maximum. The main thing is to choose what you can do for yourself


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The most accessible way is cardio training. Which are first of all good because they can be practiced anywhere: street, home, gym. This is the daily bread for an athlete of any level: from beginner to professional.

Here is an example of a home cardio workout from Valeria Andreeva, MSMK in track and field athletics. Its intensity can be adjusted independently. But before intensive sports it is necessary to visit a doctor to identify contraindications to certain exercises.

Runners with jump. The initial position is a lunge backward with touching the floor. The weight is on the front leg. The same arm and leg from behind touch the floor. This is followed by a back leg swing with a jump on the supporting leg. If the execution with a jump is too difficult, perform the exercise without it, leaving the swing.
Exit from knees + jump. Make sure that the mat is dense, and the load on the knees is not painful. The eyes are directed in front of you, the body is straight. From a kneeling position, rise into a half squat.
Mountain climbers. The initial position of the plank on straight arms. We work with one leg. The foot strives with its entire surface as close to the palm as possible. The pelvis is mobile.
Skater. Keep the body is tilted, the gaze is directed down in front of you. One leg supporting, the second slightly touches the floor in the final phase of the jump.
Plank walk downs with touching on the diagonal feet. From a standing position, walk with arms into the bar on straight arms.In the second phase of the movement go into downward facing dog and touch the opposite foot. Repeat the movement with the other hand.The pelvis does not bend to the floor.
Russian twist. Sit on the floor, raise your feet from it. Keep the body straight from the waist to the top of the head.Perform twists with the body, with hands tending to touch the floor. Keep legs bent at right angles in the knees.

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