, author: Plackhin A.

40 most useful medicinal plants according to our ancestors

Your own home first aid kit that is always on hand.

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Plants are man's best allies. Ancient peoples had great respect for plants because of the great benefits they bring to us and our health. When we talk about the most useful medicinal plants, it is inevitable to wonder what they are for, because each of them has its own characteristics and benefits for humans.

40 most useful medicinal plants

1- Sorrel. An ideal plant for treating digestive disorders such as constipation, poor appetite, ulcers and hemorrhoids.

2. Chicory. Considered one of the most useful medicinal plants as it treats circulatory problems, liver failure and digestive disorders.

3. Motherwort. Ideal for treating dermatitis, respiratory allergies, pharyngitis, migraines and irritating snoring.

4. Hollies. It helps to reduce fever. It also lowers cholesterol, is used to treat epilepsy, nervousness and acts as an excellent laxative.

5. Garlic. A natural antibiotic ideal for treating any type of infection. It promotes weight loss and is useful for regulating blood pressure and fixing circulation problems.

6. Wormwood. If you want to detoxify your body, wormwood is the perfect herb to use. It also helps with toothache and allitosis.


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7. Basil. Basil is ideal for controlling nerves, reducing anxiety and also relieves nausea.

8. Aloe vera. This is certainly one of the most useful medicinal plants. It has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes wound healing, beautifies hair and skin and also helps to cleanse the lungs.

9. Boldo (Peumus). Helps detoxify the body and is ideal for treating digestive problems.

10. Shepherd's Purse. This healing herb helps treat menopause symptoms, regulates the menstrual cycle and is used to treat varicose veins.

11. Calendula. The flower of this plant is ideal for healing burns and skin irritations. It is also ideal for treating ulcers and infections


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12. Cardamom. One of the most commonly used herbs for treating fatigue, acts as a stimulant and aphrodisiac.

13. Horse Chestnuts. Ideal for taking care of the circulatory system. They are used in the treatment of varicose veins and edema. They are also ideal for treating prostate problems.

14. Centella asiatica. This plant is the best ally of the skin. It is ideal for treating varicose veins, cellulite and age spots.

15. Cilantro. Not only is it a great cooking aid, but it also helps to eliminate gas, treat digestive problems and helps you sleep.

16. Cochlearia (Spoonbill). Used to detoxify the blood and lower uric acid levels.


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17. Field Horsetail. Many home remedies are prepared from this plant, thanks to which it perfectly strengthens and beautifies the hair. It is also a cell regenerator and strengthens bones and nails.

18. Caraway. Not only used in various gastronomic dishes, but it is also ideal for treating rheumatism and acts as an ideal diuretic.

19. Turmeric. Turmeric root is highly valued because it helps destroy cancer cells. It also aids in the weight loss process, cleanses the liver, and helps fight fungus and back pain.

20. Damiana (Turnera spreading). Damiana leaves were considered by its ancestors as one of the most useful medicinal plants, thanks to which they fight depression and exhaustion. It is also a powerful aphrodisiac used to treat frigidity.


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21. Dandelion. Used to remove kidney stones.

22. Oak. Oak bark is used to disinfect the intestines. It also helps fight pharyngitis, sore throat and eczema.

23. Echinacea. If you want to get rid of lip burns, then echinacea is what you need. This herb also helps in boosting the body's defenses.

24. Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus leaves help in respiratory dehydration. Likewise, they are the best allies against flu and colds.

25. Ash. Ash leaves help to get rid of warts. They also help to lose weight naturally.

26. Mulberries. Mulberries are used to treat urinary tract infections and to treat problems such as cystitis.

27. Ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo biloba leaves are used to strengthen memory and enhance performance. It also fights Parkinson's disease and heart disease.

28. Hamamelis. This healing herb is ideal for treating circulation problems, treating varicose veins and reducing leg pain.

29. Hibiscus. Ideal for caring for the complexion and cleansing the respiratory system. In addition, the hibiscus flower is an aphrodisiac



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30. Peppermint. Among the most useful medicinal plants, peppermint stands out for its delightful flavor and the fact that it is ideal for treating the liver, cleansing and stimulating the body.

31. Fennel. Fennel lowers cholesterol, fights obesity and treats impotence.

32. Ginger. Ginger is one of the most famous medicinal plants. Helps soothe nausea and dizziness during pregnancy. Regulates blood pressure and is an ideal remedy for sinusitis.

33. Laurel leaf. Laurel leaf is used to cleanse the respiratory system and treat rheumatism

Girl in the garden smells lavender

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34. Lavender. Lavender is used to treat migraines. It also has many benefits for the digestive system and has been shown to reduce anxiety.

35. Malva. Malva flowers are used to treat ulcers and other skin lesions. It is also useful for dry eyes and aphonia.

36. Chamomile. Use chamomile for hair care, flu symptoms and maxillary sinusitis. It also promotes good digestion.


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37. Oregano. Oregano is a powerful natural antioxidant and promotes cell regeneration.

38. Passiflora. Passiflora fights depression and anxiety. It is also ideal for treating cardiovascular disease, insomnia and tachycardia.

39. Rabogato. This herb treats ulcers, fights gastritis and other gastrointestinal problems.

40. Sage. Sage is the best ally in the fight against Alzheimer's disease due to its benefits for memory.

We hope that this guide with the most useful medicinal plants will help you in the process of treating various diseases. Nature does everything possible to improve our lives. Of course, medicinal plants are not a panacea for all diseases, and treatment should be prescribed by the attending physician.

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