, author: Plackhin A.

Kiss of the sun: remove freckles naturally

Natural freckle removal products are very effective, although we must give them time to work and avoid contact with the sun to avoid worsening the condition.

Photo source: 123rf.com

Freckles are a type of skin spots that appear on some people and sometimes cause them discomfort. For this reason, many owners of "sun kisses" decide to get rid of them, resorting to various methods and cosmetic procedures. Let's talk about ways to get rid of freckles at home.

What are freckles?

Freckles, also called sun kisses, are a series of brown, gray or coffee-colored spots of various shades that appear on the skin. They are usually flat, rounded in shape and 1 to 5 millimeters in diameter.

It is important to realize that freckles themselves are usually harmless and do not have a negative impact on the body, as there are no toxins or pathogens in their composition.

The hue of freckles is due to the high melanin content in them. This is a pigment that is found in the layers of the skin and gives it color. The color of freckles is usually uniform and a tone darker than the skin.

Freckles usually appear on different parts of the body, but they are most commonly seen on the face, hands, and sometimes on the legs. These are areas of the body that are exposed to the sun, as melanin spreads across the skin when exposed to the sun, forming denser deposits in certain areas. As a general rule, they tend to diminish or disappear during the winter.

Causes of freckles

Among the causes of freckles on the skin, exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays dominates the first place. White people with low skin phototype are the most prone to the appearance of such spots.

Also, their appearance can be due to a certain genetic predisposition or also to age, especially if the person is over 50 years old. This means that with time, the likelihood of freckles increases.

Side hazards

Although freckles are not dangerous, sometimes they are very similar to other spots that you should really worry about. The latter can be symptoms of skin cancer.

Therefore, it is recommended that if you notice any changes in the color or shape of the spots, you see a dermatologist. He will perform a more detailed assessment and rule out any dangers.

Remedies to remove freckles

There are many natural remedies that we can use to minimize freckles or remove them from the skin altogether. You should know that sometimes freckles are not directly removed, but masked or lightened.

Lemon juice.

Photo source: 123rf.com

1- Lemon juice.

Lemon is one of the most recommended natural remedies, it is used to remove freckles from the skin. This is because its chemical composition contains high levels of citric acid, which has an important effect on lightening the spots. In addition, to get rid of freckles, you can also use other citrus fruits, for example, orange.

So, we take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (30 ml) and apply it with a cotton pad to the area that we want to lighten.

Ideally, you should leave the product on for a few minutes and then rinse it off with water.

Honey and lemon.

Photo source: 123rf.com

2. Honey and lemon.

If applying lemon juice on your face causes discomfort, you can mix it with honey. This will help to enhance the effect of lemon and, in addition, not only get rid of freckles, but also help to keep the skin moisturized.

We take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (30 ml) and mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g) to a homogeneous paste. Then apply the paste on your face and leave it on for a few minutes before removing it.

Natural yogurt.

Photo source: 123rf.com

3. natural yogurt.

Yogurt is widely used in dermatology, especially in facial care. It is a dairy product, so it has a high concentration of acids. When they come in contact with the skin, they affect the layers and help reduce the formation of spots. It is also a remedy that you can simply buy at the store.

Just take 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt (30 ml), apply it on the areas with freckles and wait for it to dry. Then remove them with water, preferably cold water.

4- Yogurt with herbs.

You can combine yogurt with some natural herbs to maximize its effect to solve your freckle problem.

We add 1 cup of herbs like turmeric, mustard powder (40 g) to 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt (30 ml). Mix and apply the resulting mixture on the area with freckles. Let the treated surface dry and then wash everything off with water.

Castor oil.

Photo source: 123rf.com

5. Castor oil.

The antioxidant properties of castor oil can reduce the concentration of melanin in freckles. Thus, you can reduce the number of these spots. The best part is that you can apply it directly on your skin as it does not require any thorough preparation.

We wet a cotton disk with castor oil and treat the surface of the freckled skin. Choose the amount of oil depending on the size of the surface to be treated.

Vitamin E.

Photo source: 123rf.com

6. Vitamin E.

Although you will need to purchase it from a pharmacy, vitamin E is a natural product that can also help you get rid of freckles.

Its application is quite simple, as you will only need to periodically apply the liquid contained in the capsules to your skin, and allow the liquid to be absorbed.

Remember, while applying any of these natural remedies, you should not be or immediately go out in the sun. So it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening. In addition, do not forget that you always have the option to consult a dermatologist to try other mechanisms to fight freckles.

Read also: Sign of fatigue: home remedy for dark circles under the eyes.
