, author: Ermakova M.

Beauty from within: products for healthy and beautiful skin

What can we eat to have perfect skin: Let's talk about five foods that work better than cosmetics

Photo source: 123rf.com

Healthy skin is very important for any member of the fair sex, and that's why we like to take care of it the way it deserves. Cosmetics are our best allies in this regard, but did you know that proper nutrition can help in achieving healthy and beautiful skin?

​Food affects our body much more than we think. There are natural and useful techniques, and they are also very simple! Just a varied diet low in quickly digestible carbohydrates and high in vitamins, drinking at least 1.5 liters of water a day and sleeping about eight hours a day is easy, right? If we add the right remedy to it, we're done!

Olive oil.

Photo source: 123rf.com

1. Olive oil.

The fact that olive oil is healthy is nothing new. The oil helps regenerate and protect our skin, and this is due to its richness in omega fatty acids.

Olive oil is also rich in vitamins E and K, two major antioxidants that help rejuvenate your complexion. Its moisturizing and antioxidant properties make it an essential addition to meals, and three to four teaspoons per day are recommended. How to take it internally? The best way is in raw form, for example in salads.

Among the oils, the winner is extra virgin olive oil because it contains higher amounts of polyphenols that fight cellular oxidation.

Walnut and almond.

Photo source: 123rf.com

2. Dried fruits.

Most nuts have the ability to keep skin soft, smooth and flawless, which is why almonds or walnuts are one of our favorite foods! They are rich in vitamin E, which helps neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals and is primarily responsible for their beneficial properties.

Almonds, in addition to being very healthy, are rich in minerals and fiber, as well as vitamins A, E and F, the antioxidant and anti-aging effect of which has been more than proven. It is also one of the best products for oily, acne-prone skin due to its content of folic acid, a B vitamin.

Another benefit is that it combats oxidative processes typical of aging skin. This is due to the high content of vitamins and zinc, which help reduce the degeneration of elastic fibers and collagen, increasing water retention capacity. You know, try dried fruit for an after-hours snack!

If you want to snack between meals, we recommend doing it healthy!

Lemon in the hands of a girl.

Photo source: 123rf.com

3. Fruits to fight cellulite.

Cellulite is one of the women's problems that, although it may seem impossible to get rid of, it can be combated. How? By following a proper diet. Of course, we cannot forget about fruits and vegetables in our diet. Their fiber and phytochemical rich content acts as a detoxifying agent in our body. Oranges, apples and cherries are examples of fruits that are ideal for getting rid of orange peel.

But there are many more of them! We are talking now, in particular, about watermelon, melon or pears. They contain virtually no calories and, in addition, promote a diuretic effect. Lingonberries are also known for their ability to heal the skin.

If we talk about citrus fruits, then lemon is the main food as it helps us remove toxins from the body, which is very, very beneficial for our skin. A trick for cellulite? Mix lemon juice with water and take on an empty stomach with a teaspoon of honey. It has great cleaning power and is very effective!

Natural yogurt with berries.

Photo source: 123rf.com

3. Fruits to fight cellulite.

Cellulite is one of the women's problems that, although it may seem impossible to get rid of, it can be combated. How? By following a proper diet. Of course, we cannot forget about fruits and vegetables in our diet. Their fiber and phytochemical rich content acts as a detoxifying agent in our body. Oranges, apples and cherries are examples of fruits that are ideal for getting rid of orange peel.

But there are many more of them! We are talking now, in particular, about watermelon, melon or pears. They contain virtually no calories and, in addition, promote a diuretic effect. Lingonberries are also known for their ability to heal the skin.

If we talk about citrus fruits, then lemon is the main food as it helps us remove toxins from the body, which is very, very beneficial for our skin. A trick for cellulite? Mix lemon juice with water and take on an empty stomach with a teaspoon of honey. It has great cleaning power and is very effective!

Red bell pepper.

Photo source: 123rf.com

5. Red bell pepper.

Red bell peppers are rich in nutrients. Its vitamins A and C make it an excellent antioxidant. Combined with lycopene, which gives it its characteristic red color, peppers become a first-class food product.

It is very good for the eyes and prevents many diseases, but in addition, red bell pepper helps strengthen collagen, which makes the skin glowing and firm. Thus, including red pepper in your diet is effective in getting a beautiful skin tone.

Additionally, lycopene, which we mentioned earlier, is an excellent antioxidant that can reduce cell damage. Other foods that contain lycopene that we recommend including in your diet are tomatoes, papaya, watermelon or apricots, they are high in antioxidants!
