, author: Ermakova M.

Instant Relaxation: 25 Techniques That Relieve Stress Very Quickly

With these tips, you will get rid of stress almost immediately.

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We all experience stress at one time or another. This is a normal and healthy reaction of the body to some changes and unexpected situations. But stress that lasts more than a few weeks can take a toll on your health. Does stress make you angry and ruin your mood? Let's reveal ways that can help bring peace and tranquility back into your busy life.

1. Attentive breakfast.

Mindfulness, or awareness, calms you by causing your mind to remain focused on the here and now. Practice this at breakfast and you will fight stress early in the morning: make yourself coffee with milk and toast, oatmeal or whatever you usually eat for breakfast... And forget about your mobile phone, TV or radio. Just watch, smell, chew and taste each bite.

2. Hug each other.

Hugging is not just an act of affection, it can also be a natural stress reliever. If you do this, your body will increase its production of dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin, substances closely associated with feelings of well-being and can reduce stress levels.

3. Call your mom.

A mother's hug can help a lot in times of maximum stress, but if you can't meet at the moment, just call her. Mom's voice, according to research, has the same positive effect on our body as physical contact and helps reduce the level of cortisol, the “stress hormone.”

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4. Smile and life will smile at you.

Even if you absolutely don’t want it at the moment, try to put a smile on your face. With its help, you will be able to reduce your body's reaction to the difficult situation in which you find yourself. Various medical studies show that every time you smile, your brain releases beta-endorphins and reduces cortisol levels by 39% and adrenaline by 70%.

5. Don't think about how stressed you are.

If you constantly tell yourself that you are filled with negativity and stress, this feeling will intensify. Our thoughts cause us to focus on cues that may indicate stress.

6. Set clear goals for yourself.

Uncertainty causes a lot of stress because it prevents you from making clear decisions and prioritizing what is truly important to you. Goals help you set your course and feel in control of your life. At the same time, you need to understand that you cannot always keep everything under control, so you must accept a certain dose of uncertainty, which does not depend on you.

Sports activities.

Photo source: 123rf.com

7. Play sports.

Sport is one of the best ways to combat stress. Physical activity helps your body and mind release pent-up tension. Experts also recommend yoga or Pilates.

8. Free your feet from shoes.

Legs, like arms or tongue, have a large number of nerve endings. Therefore, squeezing them in your shoes creates tension. Take them off when you get home and replace them with comfortable socks. If possible, go barefoot. It's best somewhere on the lawn or along the beach.

9. Help others.

Helping others increases self-esteem, reduces blood pressure, stress levels and the risk of depression. In addition, at this moment the body produces a feel-good hormone.

The smell of lavender.

Photo source: 123rf.com

10. Scents will relieve stress.

Scents of mango, citrus, lavender or cinnamon can change the composition of your blood and reduce feelings of depression. The key lies in linalool, a substance found in more than 200 plants.

11. Breathe from your diaphragm.

Sit on a chair so that your body and legs are at right angles. In this pose, try to take a deep breath through your nose and hold the air in your stomach for a few seconds. Then exhale deeply, releasing the fear and stress with the air.

12. Spend time with your friends.

No matter how busy you are, find time to meet with your friends at least once a week. Tell them everything that worries you. But it's not just about talking, spending time together with loved ones who understand you also promotes well-being and helps relieve stress.

Meeting with friends.

Photo source: 123rf.com

10. Scents will relieve stress.

Scents of mango, citrus, lavender or cinnamon can change the composition of your blood and reduce feelings of depression. The key lies in linalool, a substance found in more than 200 plants.

11. Breathe from your diaphragm.

Sit on a chair so that your body and legs are at right angles. In this pose, try to take a deep breath through your nose and hold the air in your stomach for a few seconds. Then exhale deeply, releasing the fear and stress with the air.

12. Spend time with your friends.

No matter how busy you are, find time to meet with your friends at least once a week. Tell them everything that worries you. But it's not just about talking, spending time together with loved ones who understand you also promotes well-being and helps relieve stress.


Photo source: 123rf.com

16. Make love and relax.

Get rid of fatigue and give free rein to passion. Frequent intimacy helps reduce levels of cortisol, the “stress hormone.”

17. Play a video game.

This will help you "slow down". Video games improve your mood, promote mental relaxation and reduce heart rate.

18. Cry.

This can be very beneficial for your health. During crying, substances with analgesic effects are released that reduce both physical and mental pain. Therefore, if you have just cried, you feel a sense of well-being and relaxation. It is a natural sedative that helps relieve accumulated tension. This calm "after crying" moment can help you make more rational decisions.

19. Keep a diary.

Writing will help you “blow off steam” and take your mind off your worries. This is a therapeutic agent in itself. And if you write down your feelings on paper, you can look at them from a completely different perspective.

20. Give yourself an ear massage.

In the upper third of the ear there is a point known in Chinese medicine as the "Heaven's Gate" which, when pressed with fingers and massaged, helps to quickly relax the mind and relieve headaches that can be accompanied by stress.

21. Draw mandalas.

Drawing mandalas not only requires a lot of concentration, which will help you take your mind off whatever is depressing you, but it can also help you express your feelings through the color variations you choose. If you like to draw, this is also a great anti-stress activity. In just 45 minutes you can significantly reduce your cortisol levels.

At karaoke.

Photo source: 123rf.com

22. Sing without shame.

Singing at the top of your voice and enjoying music will help you get rid of accumulated negative emotions.

23. Dance until you go crazy.

Another good way to improve your psychological state. And you don’t have to go to a disco or special dance classes for this. You can simply dance at home as best you can, it is an effective way to relax. Even a few slow rocking motions will help.

24. Turn on the blue light.

If your nerves are keeping you from falling asleep, expose yourself to blue light. Surprisingly, it helps you cope with stress better, work more, and become less depressed.

25. Do what you want.

Take moments just for yourself. And we're not talking about visits to the doctor or the hairdresser, but about being able to do whatever you want without having to answer to anyone.

Stress is a common evil, and we are used to putting up with it. The problem is that in a chronic condition, the mind and body can suffer greatly as our stressed bodies release substances that are seriously detrimental to health. Drive away stress and be happy!

*Smoking is bad for your health!
