, author: Ermakova M.

Top 10 best anti-cellulite dishes: fighting orange peel without fasting

You can fight cellulite. There are products that help in this difficult matter. Tasty and healthy.

Photo source: 123rf.com

Women struggle fiercely with cellulite. Today, ladies no longer console themselves with the thought “he loves me for who I am,” but go to the gym, run in the morning and resort to diets. Results are achieved with will and desire. How to get results from food and various goodies? How to remove orange peel without giving up three meals a day?

We present a list of the 10 best anti-cellulite dishes, a real paradise of foods, fruits and vegetables that can be consumed in any quantity.

1. Celery. It has a bitter taste and gives visible results. Celery activates metabolic processes in the body, has a diuretic and laxative effect, reduces hunger and catalyzes the elimination of certain sugars and fats. Be careful not to eat it with mayonnaise!

2. Leeks. It is your best ally in the fight against water retention and the elimination of most toxins. Ideally, it is steamed. With a little imagination, you can create masterpieces in the kitchen. Leeks go well with any dish.

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3. “Natural tea” or green tea. This is a fermented tea made from the dried leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Drinking this type of tea prevents water retention and promotes the evacuation of accumulated lipids. Green tea can have a beneficial effect on health: it limits the absorption of lipids, carbohydrates, cholesterol and reduces the possibility of heart and vascular diseases.

Green tea.

Photo source: 123rf.com

4. Eggplant. It contains few calories. The only condition: do not combine it with fatty foods. This vegetable has the ability to block the absorption of fats that are absorbed during meals and deposited in the blood or skin tissues. It is recommended to bake without oil.

Eggplant in Korean

Photo source: 123rf.com/profile_thaithu707

5. Red berries. They have incredible antioxidant properties that slow down aging, improve blood circulation and fight cellulite. It is pleasant to eat even in its natural form, but you can make freshly squeezed juice.


Photo source: https://ru.freepik.com/

6. Onion. It makes you cry or jump for joy. Onions reduce the glycemic index, activate fat removal, fight cellulite and cleanse the body by removing toxins.

7. Cabbage. This is the real enemy of cellulite. Regulates metabolism, reduces appetite, is rich in fiber, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, calcium, iodine and zinc, contains few calories, and is also satiating.

8. Pineapple. Deserves a place of honor among the main anti-cellulite dishes. This fruit significantly reduces water retention. But its use must be limited because it is very sweet.

Pineapple pieces.

Photo source: 123rf.com

9. Peppers. Green, red or yellow, they have diuretic, antioxidant and anti-infective properties, curb appetite, reduce sugar and limit fat accumulation. They are ideal for salads and stews.

Red bell pepper.

Photo source: 123rf.com

10. Parsley. It has diuretic, detoxifying properties, reduces appetite and reduces fat reserves. The big advantage of this product is that it can be used in many dishes.

But be careful: cellulite can be conquered, but staying fit should be a way of life, not a suffering.

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