, author: Ermakova M.

Experts talk about the health benefits of turmeric

The health benefits of consuming turmeric and turmeric infusion, how to properly take turmeric infusion and to whom turmeric is contraindicated.

Photo source: 123rf.com

Растение родом из Индии, происходящее от семейства имбирных, куркума известна тем, что используется в качестве специи и благодаря своему оранжевому оттенку в качестве пищевого красителя. Это основной ингредиент многих традиционных индийских блюд. Кроме этого куркума обладает многочисленными свойствами, которые приносят пользу нашему здоровью и улучшают наше самочувствие.

Curcumin is the active component of turmeric, which has antioxidant properties that help protect cells from damage and allow this spice to be used in the prevention of various diseases. Turmeric perfectly stimulates the production of bile, while promoting better digestion; it is recommended to be used even with indigestion. It has anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce inflammation, including arthritis symptoms. There are many studies confirming the effectiveness of curcumin in improving brain function and helping to prevent certain neurological diseases, explains toxicologist, candidate of medical sciences Mikhail Kutushov.

The seasoning is especially useful for older people, as it has a positive effect on chronic diseases that affect the older age group, adds Irina Gromova, a paramedic who runs the boarding house for the elderly “Warm Conversations. Lyubertsy”.

Benefits of consuming turmeric infusion

The functions of turmeric increase when it is added to the infusion. Turmeric infusion has many properties that have a beneficial effect on our body. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommends taking turmeric infusions 2-3 times a day, if necessary, 0.5-1.0 g of crushed herbal substance in 150 ml of boiling water. According to information published on the Medical News Today portal, turmeric infusion has anti-inflammatory and immune functions, in addition, its main ingredient is excellent for treating joint and muscle diseases. There are also other important benefits of consuming turmeric infusion:

Antioxidant. The infusion is ideal for the prevention of certain diseases, such as diabetes. It scavenges free radicals and can prevent cell damage.

“Curcumin helps fight free radicals in the body, which helps prevent cell damage and slow down the aging process. This substance also reduces the risk of developing certain diseases, such as diabetes and cancer,” explains the paramedic who runs the Warm Conversations boarding house for the elderly. Lyubertsy. Irina Gromova.

Digestion. The European Medicines Agency gives the green light to the use of turmeric infusion to increase bile secretion in cases of indigestion.

The seasoning stimulates the secretion of bile, which improves digestion and relieves heartburn. At the same time, it reduces the level of acidity in the stomach and promotes the healing of gastric ulcers, says Irina Gromova.

Soothes arthritis. As an anti-inflammatory agent, it relieves pain and other symptoms of arthritis. It does not replace medicine, but complements it.

Curcumin has strong anti-inflammatory effects, making it effective in easing the symptoms of arthritis and other inflammatory diseases, explains our expert.

Improves brain function. One of the benefits of turmeric is that it acts as a neuroprotector and stimulates brain function. Additionally, it may reduce the likelihood of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

There is research indicating that curcumin may have positive effects on the brain and memory. However, there is no convincing scientific evidence confirming the effectiveness of the seasoning in these cases, points out Irina Gromova.

Turmeric infusion.

Photo source: 123rf.com

How to take turmeric infusion and what can it be combined with?

When should you take turmeric infusion? Toxicologist, candidate of medical sciences Mikhail Kutushov recommends taking turmeric infusion after meals. Its ingredients can be very different: based on taste preferences, you can add ginger, apple and cinnamon.

Turmeric infusion is recommended to be taken after meals for better absorption. It can also be combined with ginger, honey, black pepper (also to improve absorption) and other spices. It is even possible to add apple or cinnamon, depending on taste preferences, says the doctor.

By following a few very simple steps, you can get the best infusion:

Pour four glasses of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil, add a tablespoon of turmeric powder, a small piece of peeled ginger, a cinnamon stick and whole apple slices to the boiling water. Reduce heat and let simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Next, strain the infusion so that no solid pieces remain. After the infusion has cooled a little, add honey to give it a great taste.

Who should not use turmeric?

Turmeric has health benefits, but not everyone can take it. Mikhail Kutushov listed the categories for whom turmeric is contraindicated:

Turmeric is strictly contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal ulcers, gallstones, pregnant and lactating women and allergy sufferers. You should consult your doctor before taking turmeric as a medicine, especially if you have a chronic illness or are taking medications.

Also, according to Irina Gromova, turmeric is contraindicated for people with bleeding disorders and those taking anticoagulants.

If the restrictions are not followed, there is a risk of developing adverse reactions, the strength of which varies from mild discomfort to serious health problems, the doctor warns.

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