, author: Plackhin A.

Secrets of long-lived people: what do they do differently?

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Longevity has always been one of the most debated topics in science and society. While some believe that longevity is determined by genetics, numerous studies show that lifestyle plays a key role in achieving longevity. Let's take a look at the top secrets of long-livers and what they do differently to live a long and healthy life.

1. Proper nutrition

One of the most important aspects of longevity is diet. Long-livers often follow diets rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish. The Mediterranean diet, the Japanese Okinawa diet, and the Scandinavian diet are considered some of the healthiest diets in the world. These diets include high amounts of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and minimal processed foods.

Example: The island of Okinawa in Japan has one of the highest percentages of longevity. Their diet is based on vegetables, seafood, soy products and small amounts of red meat. They also consume a lot of green tea, which is rich in antioxidants.

A study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine found that following a Mediterranean diet was associated with lower mortality.

Yogurt with berries.

2. Physical activity

Regular physical activity is an essential part of the lives of long-lived people. It is not necessarily intense workouts at the gym, but incorporating physical activity into daily life. Walking, gardening, yoga and dancing all contribute to health and longevity.

Example: In the so-called "blue zones" (regions of the world with the highest number of long-livers), people lead active lifestyles. In Sardinia, Italy, many residents farm, which requires constant physical activity.

A study published in The Lancet found that even moderate physical activity, such as walking, can significantly reduce the risk of premature death

While jogging in pleasant company.

Photo source: Freepik.com

3. Social ties

Having strong social ties and an active social life play an important role in longevity. People who are surrounded by friends and family have lower levels of stress and depression, which has a positive impact on their health.

Example: In Greece on the island of Ikaria, residents have an active social life. They often spend time with family and friends and participate in local festivals and events. This contributes to their mental health and longevity.

A study published in the journal PLOS Medicine found that people with strong social ties are 50% more likely to survive.

The girl enjoys the music.

Photo source: freepik.com

4. Stress management

Stress is a major factor that negatively affects health and longevity. Long-term residents find ways to manage stress, whether it's through meditation, religious practices, or simply relaxing in nature.

Example: In Costa Rica's Nicoya region, people often spend time outdoors and live in harmony with nature. They believe in the importance of spiritual practices and family traditions, which helps them maintain their mental balance.

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that meditation practices reduce stress levels and improve quality of life.

5. A meaningful life

Having a purpose in life and engaging in fulfilling activities is an important factor in longevity. People who find meaning in their daily activities are less prone to stress and depression.

Example: In Japan, the concept of "ikigai" (which translates to "reason for being") is central to the culture. It is a concept denoting what brings joy and meaning to a person's life. Many long-lived Japanese people believe that it is "ikigai" that keeps them active and interested in life.

A study published in Psychological Science found that people with a clear purpose in life have a lower risk of mortality.

Relaxing home environment.

Photo source: freepik.com

6. Avoiding bad habits

Long-term residents tend to avoid bad habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. They practice moderation in all aspects of life, including eating and entertainment.

Example: Many longtime residents in the Nicoya region of Costa Rica do not smoke and drink alcohol in moderation. They prefer natural beverages such as fresh fruit juices and water.

A study published in The BMJ found that quitting smoking and moderate alcohol consumption significantly reduce the risk of chronic disease and premature death.

Longevity is the result of a holistic approach to life that includes proper nutrition, physical activity, social connections, stress management, having a meaningful life and avoiding bad habits. The example of longevity shows that even small changes in lifestyle can significantly improve the quality and length of life. By following their example, we can not only extend our years, but also make them healthier and happier.

*Alcohol and tobacco use is bad for your health!
