, author: Ermakova M.

Mistakes of daughters-in-law in relationships with mothers-in-law

Relationships with mother-in-law are perhaps one of the most difficult and controversial tests for every young wife.

Photo source: 123rf.com

For many young wives, the relationship with their mother-in-law becomes a kind of test of strength. After all, in this union it is necessary not only to find mutual understanding, but also to build truly warm, trusting relationships. However, daughters-in-law often make typical mistakes that only worsen the situation. To avoid conflicts and create a harmonious atmosphere in the family, experts recommend paying attention to several important points.

One of the common problems is lack of communication. Many young wives avoid open conversations with their husband's mother, fearing criticism. Experts note that such a position only worsens the situation, since the lack of dialogue gives rise to misunderstanding. Therefore, they are advised to interact more often, be sincere, try to get to know their mother-in-law as a person.

However, it is important not to cross certain boundaries. For example, you should not become too close friends with her, share personal experiences or problems in marriage. Experts emphasize that excessive openness can turn against the daughter-in-law.

In addition, there are often cases when young wives try to change their mother-in-law or even educate her. However, experts recommend accepting her as she is. Instead of striving for the ideal, it is better to show kindness and respect.

Another common mistake is competing with the mother-in-law for the attention of the spouse. However, it should be understood that they occupy completely different roles in his life. Therefore, you should not neglect the opinion of the mother-in-law, because the husband has the right to listen to both his wife and mother.

Photo source: 123rf.com

It is also highly undesirable to ignore or disrespect your husband's family traditions. This can deeply hurt your mother-in-law and cause her resentment and discontent. It is better to show interest in them, and if possible, even participate in their observance.

Finally, experts categorically do not recommend complaining to your husband about his mother or insulting her. This will only worsen your relationship with your spouse, because most sons will defend their mother.

Thus, building a harmonious relationship with your mother-in-law requires patience, openness, and sincere respect. Although this is not easy, with the right approach you can establish contact even with the most difficult mother-in-law. After all, the well-being of the entire family directly depends on it.

The key recommendations of experts include:

  • Establishing an open and regular dialogue with your mother-in-law, but without being too frank
  • Accepting her as she is, without trying to change or “educate” her
  • Not allowing competition for your husband’s attention, respecting her opinion
  • Showing interest and participation in family traditions
  • Refusing to complain about your mother-in-law to your husband and insulting her

By following these tips, the daughter-in-law will be able to build a trusting and harmonious relationship with her mother-in-law, which will have a positive effect on the entire family. And even if the ideal cannot be achieved, peace and mutual understanding are quite real.


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