Why children's teeth deteriorate so quickly and what to do about it
Baby teeth are susceptible to rapid decay due to thin enamel and improper care. How to prevent tooth decay and keep your child's teeth healthy? Konstantin Prokopenko, an expert in the field of dentistry, gives his recommendations.
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Baby teeth are called baby teeth for a reason - they are temporary and serve to help your child chew hard foods before giving way to permanent teeth. Despite their temporary nature, milk teeth require special attention and care. Konstantin Prokopenko, an orthopedic dentist, surgeon and implantologist, told Inc-News why baby teeth deteriorate so quickly and how to avoid it.
Why are baby teeth so important?
Baby teeth have thin enamel that is less strong than the enamel of permanent teeth. This makes them more vulnerable to tooth decay and other diseases. Unfortunately, children often experience dental problems because tooth decay can develop very quickly in them. The health of baby teeth directly affects the formation of permanent teeth. If tooth decay is accompanied by pain, it can negatively affect a child's overall health, ability to learn and enjoy childhood.
Caring for children's teeth.
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Regular visits to the dentist: the key to healthy teeth
One of the most important steps to keep baby teeth healthy is regular visits to the dentist. It is recommended that children visit the dentist at least every three months. Preventive hygiene not only helps to detect incipient tooth decay, but also helps to prevent more serious complications. Modern pediatric dental clinics offer innovative and comfortable treatments that make the procedures less stressful for both children and parents.
At an appointment with a pediatric dentist.
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A healthy diet is the key to strong teeth
Dental health is closely linked to your child's diet. It is important to watch what your baby eats. The diet should include solid foods such as fruits, vegetables and nuts, which help the teeth to clean themselves naturally. Avoid excessive consumption of sweets and carbonated drinks, as they are the main culprits of tooth decay. Get used to healthy snacks - apple slices, carrots or nuts are great for strengthening teeth.
A little girl eats an apple.
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Oral hygiene: How to make brushing your teeth interesting
Oral hygiene is another important aspect. Children's toothpastes with dyes can turn brushing into a game. The dyes help identify areas of plaque, making brushing interesting and educational for your child. Explain and demonstrate how to brush properly so your little one can develop good habits from an early age. Use an hourglass or music timer to keep brushing to the recommended two minutes.
Dad and son brush their teeth.
Photo source: freepik.com
The role of parents: lead by example
As parents, we play a crucial role in ensuring that our children's teeth are well cared for. Inculcate good habits from an early age, lead by example and demonstrate the importance of dental care. Spend time together brushing their teeth in the mornings and evenings, showing by example how important it is.
Taking care of your child's baby teeth today is an investment in their health and happy future. Let your baby's smile be bright and healthy every day!
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