, author: Ermakova M.

Divorce as a test: why does the process drag on for months?

Why does divorce proceedings turn into a protracted ordeal in practice? Find out what pitfalls prevent you from quickly letting go of the situation, according to psychologist and forensic expert Ekaterina Franskevich.

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When a couple decides to get a divorce, it seems like the end of all problems and the beginning of a new, free life. However, in practice, many people find that this process is much more complicated and protracted than they expected. Why is it so difficult to quickly let go of the divorce situation and complete it without unnecessary complications? To answer this question, we turned to psychologist and forensic expert Ekaterina Franskevich, who shared her professional view on this problem.

Unpreparedness for divorce

When couples begin the divorce process, at least one of the partners, and often both, are not actually ready for this step. Unpreparedness for divorce often leads to disagreements growing to an extreme level. The decision to divorce has long-term consequences that can be felt for years or a lifetime.

Ekaterina Franskevich notes that psychological and emotional preparation for divorce allows the couple to get on the same page, which reduces the emotional and financial friction that makes divorce a competitive and tough process. This important decision requires more attention than is usually given to it by both the couples themselves and divorce professionals.

The Role of Family and Friends

Many people in difficult marriages do not think about preparing for divorce because of the belief that the sooner they get out of the stressful situation, the better for everyone. This tendency leads them to rush to end the marriage quickly in order to start a new life. Family and friends often support this approach, encouraging the end of the marriage, thinking that this will return everything to normal. However, more often than not, this is not what happens.

The couple is working on documents.

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Divorce Process Challenges and Obstacles

Couples who make hasty decisions about divorce often fail to process their feelings, thoughts, and options. As a result, they are unprepared for the intense emotions, complexities of the legal system, and a number of key decisions they will have to make.

The main obstacles in the divorce process are:

  1. Division of property and business. One of the most difficult aspects of divorce is the fair distribution of jointly acquired property and business. This requires not only emotional maturity, but also financial literacy.
  2. Potential relocation and job change. Divorce may entail the need to move, which in turn may require a change of job. These changes can be an additional source of stress and uncertainty.
  3. Determining the place of residence of children and the procedure for communicating with them. Issues of custody and the procedure for communicating with children are among the most painful and difficult aspects of divorce. The wrong approach to their solution can cause harm not only to parents, but also to children.


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Long and complicated legal proceedings

Often, people in this condition enter into agreements that they cannot afford, and instead of improving their situation, they find that they have simply replaced one problem with another. As a result, they often face long and complicated legal proceedings, and what they hoped to conclude quickly can drag on for years.

Ekaterina Franskevich emphasizes that unpreparedness for divorce and hasty decisions can lead to protracted legal disputes and conflicts. What was expected as a quick divorce is often achieved only after long and difficult efforts.

It is therefore not surprising that many couples find themselves entangled in lengthy legal disputes, and what they expected - a quick divorce - is often achieved only after long and difficult efforts. It is important to carefully prepare for this step in order to minimize the stress and complications associated with the divorce process. Psychological and emotional readiness, as well as a competent approach to legal and financial aspects will help make this process less painful and more manageable.