, author: Plackhin A.

Doctor's tips: what the smell of sweat can tell you about your health

Changes in sweat odor can signal a multitude of body conditions, from hormonal changes to serious illnesses.

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Although sweat itself is odorless, bacteria living on the skin interact with it and release substances that create a characteristic odor. Changes in the odor of sweat can indicate a wide range of body conditions. We turned to expert Dr. Mikhail Kutushov, a toxicologist and candidate of medical sciences, to find out how the smell of sweat can be an indicator of health.

Hyperhidrosis: when sweating gets out of control

One of the main causes of changes in sweat odor is hyperhidrosis, a condition in which a person sweats excessively. Kutuzov MD notes that hyperhidrosis can be caused by various reasons, including hormonal changes (menstrual cycle, menopause, pregnancy, taking certain medications), stress, and can also be a symptom of a number of diseases such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism and obesity. In such cases, changes in odor and sweating intensity may be one of the first signals that there is a problem.

Diet and its effect on sweat odor

Diet plays an important role in the formation of sweat odor. Consumption of spicy, fatty foods, garlic, onions, cabbage and alcoholic beverages can significantly alter its odor. Some foods contain compounds that when metabolized are released through the skin, creating a specific odor. Kutuzov MD emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet to maintain good health and prevent unpleasant sweat odor.

Medications and side effects

Some medications can affect the odor of sweat. This may be due to changes in the chemical composition of sweat or the body's reaction to the medication. Side effects of medications are another reason why sweat odor can change.

Diseases and sweat odor

Mikhail Kutushov says that in some cases, you can identify a disease by the smell of sweat:

  • A sweetish odor can indicate the presence of diabetes.
  • A sour odor indicates problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • An ammonia odor may be associated with kidney or liver dysfunction.
  • A putrid odor is a sign of skin infection or purulent processes.

These changes are often accompanied by other symptoms such as weight loss, fever, fatigue and changes in appetite. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and expert care.

Recommendations for self-care

If the smell of sweat is not related to the general state of health, but causes discomfort, Mikhail Kutushov recommends:

  • Shower regularly and wash underarms with antibacterial soap.
  • Use deodorants and antiperspirants to regulate sweating and absorb unpleasant odor.
  • Avoid spicy and fatty foods and alcoholic beverages.

The smell of sweat can be an important signal of health problems. Kutuzov MD emphasized the importance of paying attention to changes in the smell of sweat and advises to seek medical help if necessary. Do not ignore this signal - your health may depend on timely detection and treatment of possible diseases.

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