, author: Ermakova M.

Posture and health: doctors told what habits harm posture and how to correc

Poor posture can lead to a variety of problems, from back pain to serious spinal diseases. Experts tell how to avoid the most common mistakes.

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We've all heard that posture is important, but have you ever wondered how our daily habits can ruin it and our health? It turns out that poor posture can cause serious problems, from back pain to chronic diseases. We talked to experts to find out what habits we need to change to stay healthy and beautiful.

The Importance of Correct Posture

Posture plays a key role not only in a person's visual perception, but also in their overall health. It affects the functioning of internal organs, the nervous system, and overall well-being. Yulia Prigozhina, head of the EK-clinic scientific and clinical center, explains:

"Posture is not just an aesthetic aspect of appearance. It is a complex mechanism that affects the health of the musculoskeletal system, the functioning of internal organs, as well as the well-being and mental state of a person. Poor posture can lead to various health problems, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, breathing problems, as well as the development of osteochondrosis, scoliosis and other diseases of the spine."

Correct posture depends on many factors, including muscle tone, hormonal balance, and the functioning of the central nervous system. Disturbances in these areas can lead to serious problems with the spine.

"Unfortunately, the modern way of life often becomes the cause of the development of problems with posture. Incorrect postures at the computer, mobile phone, prolonged sitting and lack of physical activity can lead to back pain, limited mobility, and subsequently to more serious health problems," notes Mikhail Kutyshov, toxicologist, candidate of medical sciences.

Neck hurts.

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How habits affect posture

Hormones play a significant role in metabolic processes that affect the condition of cartilage tissue, and the central nervous system controls the position of the body in space.

"Hormones play an important role in the formation of posture, in particular, thyroid hormones, which affect the metabolism of the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs. The central nervous system constantly monitors the position of the body in space, sending signals to the muscles to maintain balance and stability," Prigozhina explains the importance of hormones and the central nervous system in maintaining posture.

Bad posture is the result of long-term exposure to bad habits. Let's look at the main mistakes in everyday activities that can harm your spine:

My back hurts.

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1. Sedentary lifestyle. Sitting for long periods of time has a negative impact on muscles and blood circulation, which can lead to the development of chronic diseases.

"Long-term sitting leads to weakening of the muscles of the back, neck, and abdomen. This disrupts blood circulation and metabolism, creating the preconditions for the development of osteochondrosis," the doctor explains.

2. Incorrect posture. Incorrect posture at the computer, lack of ergonomics at the workstation and lack of movement can cause muscle strain and deformation.

"A stiff back, slouching, and curvature of the spine all lead to muscle strain, deformation of the intervertebral discs, and compression of the nerves," she says.

A man listens to music.

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3. Use of mobile devices. Modern gadgets cause the development of "text neck syndrome" due to the constant forward tilt of the head.

"A low-hanging head and a hunched back when using smartphones and tablets are common causes of poor posture in young people. Constantly looking at a mobile phone leads to overstraining of the neck muscles and causes the so-called 'text neck syndrome', and holding the phone in one hand for a long time can cause an imbalance in the shoulder and neck muscles," explains Mikhail Kutushov.

5. Carrying heavy objects. Uneven weight distribution when carrying heavy objects can lead to imbalance and deformation of the spine.

"Uneven distribution of the load on the shoulders leads to overstraining of the back muscles and curvature of the spine," says Yulia Prigozhina.

Man with a backpack.

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6. Use of footwear. Incorrectly selected footwear, especially high heels, disrupts the natural biomechanics of the foot and can negatively affect posture.

"High heels disrupt the natural biomechanics of the foot, which affects posture and leads to overstraining of the back muscles," the expert explains.

7. Bite problems and their impact on posture. An incorrect bite can have serious consequences not only for the teeth, but also for the entire musculoskeletal system. Incorrect jaw position can cause muscle imbalance and lead to curvature of the spine.

"An incorrect bite, or malocclusion, can not only spoil the aesthetics of a smile, but also lead to deformation of the facial skeleton, disruption of the temporomandibular joint, difficulty chewing and speaking. Incorrect position of the jaws can affect posture, provoking the development of scoliosis and other spinal pathologies," explains Yulia Prigozhina.

Recommendations for improving posture

In order for the back muscles to always be in the correct position, Mikhail Kutushov recommends following several rules:

1. Correct posture at the computer. The back should be straight, shoulders relaxed, feet firmly on the floor. Use an ergonomic chair with armrests and adjustable height. Take breaks every 30-45 minutes to warm up.

2. While driving. The back should be straight, shoulders relaxed, legs slightly bent at the knees. Use a headrest to support the head and neck.


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3. Use mobile devices correctly. Keep your phone at eye level to avoid tilting your head forward. Take breaks every 15-20 minutes to rest from the device.

4. Sleep. Sleep on your back with a pillow under your head and neck. If you sleep on your side, place a pillow between your legs to support your hip.

5. Stretching and warming up. Stretching helps relieve tension and improve muscle flexibility, which is important for maintaining proper posture. Yoga, Pilates, swimming, and massage can also help strengthen your back and abdominal muscles:

"Yoga and Pilates are disciplines that will help strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, as well as improve flexibility and coordination. If these options do not suit you for some reason, then swimming will come to the rescue. It perfectly relaxes the back muscles and strengthens the whole body. If you have problems with posture, you need to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. One of the treatment options may be massage. It helps to relax the back and neck muscles, eliminate tension and improve blood circulation," the doctor recommends.

6. Carrying heavy objects. Evenly distributing weight when carrying heavy objects helps avoid muscle strain and spinal curvature.

7. Shoes. Choosing comfortable shoes that do not overload the foot helps maintain correct posture.

8. Consulting a specialist. If you have problems with your posture, it is important to consult a specialist for timely diagnosis and corrective measures.

Correct posture is the key to health and well-being. Avoid bad habits, strengthen your muscles and monitor your body position. If necessary, consult a specialist to maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system and improve your quality of life. Prevention is the best method of dealing with posture problems. Regular exercise, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are the key to a healthy spine.

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