, author: Ermakova M.

Titanic: James Cameron could have left without Leonardo DiCaprio

Hollywood handsome was not too convincing on the samples.

The lead role in James Cameron's cult film Titanic made Leonardo DiCaprio a star of the first magnitude in Hollywood. However, the actor could not appear in this film.

As the director himself recalled, Leo charmed everyone at his first appearance, but was not very convincing during the casting.

Then Cameron decided to see how DiCaprio would show "chemistry" with Kate Winslet, approved at that time.

“However, Leo became stubborn and did not want to participate in further tests, believing that he could do it anyway,” the director said.

Cameron went astray, thanking Leo for taking the time to come and saying goodbye to him, making it clear that he didn't fit. And the actor trembled. After that, the shooting began, in the final of which a masterpiece appeared.
