, author: Ermakova M.

Guy Ritchie sued for 'The Gentlemen'

Guy Ritchie was sued for the movie The Gentlemen. Matthew McConaughey played the lead role in this 2019 action comedy.

The lawsuit was filed in London's High Court last month by writer and actor Miki De Hara. He claims to have been hired by Guy Ritchie to write the sequel to his gangster thriller Rock and Roll (2008).

The script was presented to the director in 2018 about "the main character who built a business on the sale of illegal substances." However, according to De Hara, Ritchie informed him that "the time for gangster movies is over" and offered to complete the project.

But what was the surprise of the screenwriter when, two years later, The Gentlemen came out on the screens, and he recognized his work in it. Later, all attempts by Mika to get his name included in the credits of the picture Richie refused. Therefore, De Hara was forced to sue the director.
