, author: Plackhin A.

October's heroine: Kate Winslet on the cover of Vogue.

The 47-year-old actress has spoken out about her new job in war drama 'Lee'.

Photo source: vogue.com

Four months after winning the BAFTA award for "I Am Ruth", Kate Winslet took on a new "strong" role - American photographer and journalist Elizabeth "Lee" Miller. The war drama of the same name was directed by Ellen Curas. In addition to acting, Winslet acted as a producer of the project, which she told in a conversation with Vogue, becoming the heroine of its October issue.

Kate Winslet, Vogue.

Photo source: vogue.com

During her long career, the actress has become famous for roles such as Rose in "Titanic" (1997), Hannah Schmitz in "The Reader" (2008), for which she won an Oscar, Mair Sheehan in "Mair of Easttown," for which she won an Emmy, among others. According to Winslet, she had to fight to get "Lee" filming up and running, an entire process she calls "an incredible struggle." And she especially had to defend her and Curas' vision of the character as someone who documented life in post-war Europe in the mid-20th century, rather than the vicissitudes of her life or the output of celebrities. Kate also shared the condescending comments she received from male businessmen when she was trying to raise money for the movie.

"I even had a director saying to me: 'Look, you're doing my movie, and you're going to get very little for 'Lee'...'. A little!", - recalls with irony actress. - We had potential male investors who said: "Tell me why I should like this woman?".

Kate Winslet, Vogue.

Photo source: vogue.com

Such comments might have affected Winslet when she was younger, but she says the experience since then has taught her to be strong. And she has a lot of admiration for the young actresses who are now involved in the #MeToo movement (which uncovers gender discrimination). "Young actresses today, ... they're fearless," Kate says. - The culture has changed so much that I couldn't even imagine in my wildest dreams when I was 20." Years of acting experience also prepared her for the role of Miller.

"Lee was a woman who lived by her own rules," says the actress. - I wanted to tell the story of an imperfect middle-aged woman going to war to document it." The film premiered at the Toronto Film Festival on September 9th.
