, author: Ermakova M.

A triumph of computer graphics: a teaser for the new “Ghostbusters”

In the new film, the heroes will effectively fight the “ice age.”

Sony has released a teaser for the long-awaited sequel to Ghostbusters: Descendants (2021). The title of the new film is “Ghostbusters: Ice Empire.”

The 2021 film grossed just over $200 million worldwide against a budget of $75 million. This gave both viewers and critics a reason to talk about the revival of the adventure franchise, the first part of which was released back in 1984. Fans demanded a continuation, but the producers of Sony Pictures preferred to remain silent, and only during Halloween a mysterious phrase appeared on the film series’ Twitter account: “Something strange is coming.”

As a result, 10 days later the film studio released a short video with footage from the upcoming sequel. Ghostbusters: The Frozen Empire will be released on March 27th.
