, author: Plackhin A.

A tail for every home: cat breeds suitable for allergy sufferers

If you suffer from cat allergies or you don't like breeds that shed hair, that doesn't mean you should rule out getting a pet. There are breeds of cats that don't shed or cause allergies.

Photo source: tverknyazhestvo.com

One of the most common problems when living together with cats is that they shed a lot of hair. This is one of the most common complaints of people who do not like to keep cats at home: it is sometimes quite difficult to remove cat hair from carpets and furniture. In addition, cat dander and saliva cause allergic reactions in some people.

If you are allergic to cats or you don't like breeds with hair loss, it doesn't mean that you should completely give up the opportunity to get a cat, because there are breeds of cats that don't shed and don't cause allergies. We will talk about them today.

Bengal cat.

Photo source: 123rf.com

Bengal cat

Bengal cats have some peculiarities such as infrequent hair loss and insufficient production of Fel D1 protein, which is present in feline saliva and causes allergic reactions in humans. This is a cat that boasts of the attractiveness that its coat gives. In addition, these cats are very sociable and affectionate, so they are ideal for family living. However, representatives of this breed do not tolerate loneliness well and always have a desire to play with people from the immediate neighborhood.

Siberian cat.

Photo source: 123rf.com

Siberian cat

This cat has a fairly long coat but produces very little Fel D1 protein, so people with cat allergies agree that their allergies are controlled while living together with a Siberian. However, the greasy nature of their coat contributes to the fact that it must be shed a little: brushing at least three times a week is recommended.

Devon Rex

Photo source: cats.com

Devon Rex

Because of the uniqueness of the Devon Rex's coat, it stands out among other feline breeds: soft, ultra-fine fur with a wavy texture - nothing else compares to it. At the same time, it is one of the breeds with the lowest shedding rate. Fel D1 production is very low in this cat. They need to be brushed regularly, and need periodic baths to balance the amount of oils that contribute to the softness of their coat. These cats are very affectionate and get along well with children and other pets, so they are very adaptable to family life. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that they are not very fond of visits from strangers.

Russian blue cat

Photo source: betterpet.com

Russian Blue Cat

This is a loyal and elegant member of the feline family that shares common traits with the Bengal, making it another breed highly recommended for people with allergies. These cats have dense and thick silvery-blonde fur that adheres to the body, making them almost non-shedding. Make time for socialization every day as this is a breed prone to separation anxiety and loneliness.


Photo source: dinoanimals.com


This breed has a semi-long curly coat, two conditions that contribute to the infrequent shedding of its coat. It should be combed every two days, using a brush with flexible long strands so as not to damage it during the process. These are very skittish and affectionate representatives of the feline family, which is not difficult to thank for the care received. Laperm is an unsuitable cat for people who are away from home for long periods of time.

Balinese cat

Photo source: thesprucepets.com

Balinese or Siamese cat

The Balinese cat, also known as the Siamese cat, is a long-haired cat. It is one of the cat breeds that produces the least amount of Fel D1 protein. Their fur tangles easily, so it should be brushed at least three times a week. These cats have a special affinity for family. They enjoy socializing with people and are quite sociable with other animals, even strangers.

Javanese cat

Photo source: lovetoknowpets.com

Javanese cat

This breed has no undercoat and is suitable for people with allergies. The Javanese cat has a very fine coat and loses less hair. The limbs and neck of the Javanese are long and thin, which gives it an incomparable elegance. It is a very intelligent, sociable and active cat. They are ideal for single people, but are also perfect for families with children and other animals. The Javanese cat requires going outdoors because they really enjoy contact with nature. They love to climb trees.

Cornish Rex

Photo source: zooexperte.com

Cornish Rex

This is a breed related to the Devon Rex. It has only one coat layer, which minimizes shedding and increases its softness. It is a cat that requires minimal coat care other than weekly ear cleaning. These representatives of the cat family are very playful and cheerful, so they are not recommended for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. It is desirable to monitor the temperature in the house and keep away from drafts.

Sphynx cat

Photo source: 123rf.com


This is a very popular breed of cat with no fur. It has a compact and muscular body covered with a very thin layer of fur, almost invisible to the eye, but not so noticeable to the touch. It is important to ensure thermal comfort in the house so that she does not catch cold. You should also sanitize the sphynx's skin daily so that the balance of its natural oils is not disturbed. It is an affectionate and equally bossy cat.

Oriental Shorthair cat

Photo source: dailypaws.com

Oriental shorthair cat

The Oriental Shorthair cat resembles the Siamese cat in both build and temperament. It has a short and fine coat with no inner coat. This animal from the feline family requires close attention and is able to establish a close bond with its owner. They are easy to train. Oriental Shorthair cats should not be left alone for long periods of time, as they can develop separation anxiety. Caring for this cat is simple: it is enough to hygiene its ears, eyes and teeth once a week, combing the hair is recommended twice a week.
