A selection of pets that are easy to care for
Although pets are a lot of fun, not everyone has enough time to provide them with proper care. Is there a way out?
Perhaps in today's busy life, you think that now is not the right time to get a dog or cat. Whether it's a child's greatest desire or an adult who needs a loyal friend, owning any kind of pet will change your life. But who then should you choose if your busy work schedule does not allow you to spend a lot of time caring for your pet? Pay attention to those who require minimal care.
Which pets are the easiest to care for?
There were probably moments in your childhood when you enjoyed playing and petting your neighbor’s rabbit, or watching your classmate’s fish. Luckily, there are plenty of cute and interesting pets you can make friends with that don't require much care. Many pets can keep us company, even if they cannot interact with us like cats or dogs, some of them can even be trained! We may be able to help you find the best pet that is easy to care for and perfect for you.
Have you ever thought about spiders? They get a bad rap, especially tarantulas, but their movements are amazing to watch. They are easy to keep, although their venomous bite complicates matters. Watching butterfly larvae grow is fun and risk-free, and they are also very easy to care for. These are just two examples of how much choice those who are willing to devote little time to caring for a pet have.
1. Hamsters.
Hamsters make a great first pet for your children. These furry animals are easy to care for, the main thing is to prepare the right home for them. To keep your hamster happy, be sure to equip his cage with a water bowl, feeder and, of course, an entertainment wheel - hamsters love to play sports! The stores offer a variety of different labyrinths for hamsters, which can be easily attached to the cage so that the pet has more space. As for food, they eat mostly kibble and leafy greens every other day. To avoid a specific smell, do not forget to regularly clean the animal’s cage.
2. Guinea pigs.
Another kids' favorite, guinea pigs are social animals that enjoy companionship. Because of this, they also get along well with other guinea pigs. To care for these babies, you won't have to worry about grooming. They love to keep themselves clean and usually do not need regular baths. Make sure you have everything you need: cage, bedding, food and water, and entertainment.
3. Chinchillas.
These gentle cuties have very soft fur. If you suffer from allergies, chinchillas may be a good choice since their fur is hypoallergenic. In order to keep a chinchilla, you need a well-ventilated cage, shelter, toys, food and water.
Although they are sociable and enjoy being around other chinchillas, they prefer not to be held, so they do not require much grooming. However, they need special chinchilla food and weekly powder baths to keep their coats clean.
4. Budgerigar.
Budgerigars are active, sociable pet birds that are incredibly fun to watch! It’s not for nothing that they are called lovebirds: it is better to have budgerigars in pairs. Choose a suitable cage for them, equipped with perches and a feeder and drinker. Cereal mixtures for parrots can be purchased at pet stores. In summer, it is a good idea to place a bath of water in the cage so that the parrots can cool down. If you let your parrots fly around the apartment, do not forget to close the windows and vents so as not to lose your pets. A little life hack if your budgie has flown out of its cage and you can’t catch it: budgies don’t see well in the dark. So just remember where he sits and turn off the lights. In the dark you can easily catch him.
5. Turtle.
There are many different species of turtles that vary in lifespan, size, and daily care. One of the most popular and easy to care for is the painted turtle, whose height can reach 10-12 centimeters. They can be kept in a terrarium and fed several times a week, so you don't have to worry about feeding them daily. The most important factor in helping them thrive is providing them with a comfortable aquatic environment that maintains the proper temperature and cleanliness of their habitat. When getting a turtle, you need to take into account a very important factor - turtles are long-lived and will spend 30 years with you!
5. Aquarium fish.
Keeping aquarium fish is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Beginning aquarists should pay attention to swordtails and guppies. The latter can bring endless aesthetic pleasure: pay attention to guppies with large beautiful tails - elephant-eared guppies.
There doesn't have to be a lot of fish. If you have little space in your apartment, you can buy a small aquarium, for example, 20 liters. To maintain it, you will need a filter (in order not to think about it too much, immediately purchase an aquarium with a filter), a compressor to supply air to the aquarium (inexpensive pebbles or sponges specially designed for this purpose, for example), a heater, lighting and soil. In general, this is all for organizing the space of the aquarium. Since we promised to talk about easy-to-care pets, we explain your next steps in getting fish:
- Fill the jars with cold water first so that it has time to sit for a while before starting the aquarium (a few days will be enough)
- Purchase pebbles to cover the bottom of your aquarium. The layer of pebbles should be about a centimeter. The pebbles must first be washed without using chemical detergents.
- Place the prepared stones into the aquarium.
- Then install a filter, compressor, and heater in the aquarium (they usually come with suction cups). We are not plugging it into the network yet.
- Carefully pour in water.
- We connect the devices to the network.
- In order to quickly make the water suitable for fish to live in, pet stores sell special products that neutralize harmful substances in tap water. Just shake the bottle and pour it into the aquarium according to the volume of our water (follow the instructions on the package).
- In addition, it is necessary for “useful” bacteria to settle in the filter. There is also a special tool for this. Just check with your pet store salesperson. The water will be slightly cloudy after adding, but don’t be alarmed: it will go away in a few hours.
Now the aquarium is ready to receive its residents. The fish need to be fed once a day. This won’t be a problem either: buy an automatic feeder that will independently distribute food to the fish.
Next, just maintain good water quality, and your fish will delight you with their presence and beauty for a long time! By the way, watching fish is calming!