, author: Ermakova M.

In harmony with oneself: what can and cannot be done on Baptism

One of the main Orthodox holidays is celebrated on the night of January 18-19.

Christian holidays are often accompanied by many rituals. There are rituals for Baptism as well. On this day, it is customary to plunge into the ice hole, and indeed to swim in general - water procedures symbolize the cleansing of sins.

As a rule, only trained people dive into the hole. Not everyone can easily endure being in icy water. For example, it will be enough for children and the elderly to lightly rub themselves with clean snow - this is how you join the ritual and do not harm yourself.

What can you do at Baptism

- plunge into an ice hole / douse yourself with water / rub with snow (it is advisable to do this with prayer and good thoughts);

- baptize children;

- illuminate the house with "holy" water brought from the church (it is also advisable to pray or just think about something good);

- make an offer to your loved one - this day guarantees you the support of the Almighty, which means that the union will be strong and harmonious

What Not to Do at Baptism

- do hard work (house cleaning, repair, construction) - on this day it is important to focus only on the spiritual;

- swear, cry - refrain from negative emotions on this holiday. It is important to maintain a joyful mood - then the whole year will be happy;

- guessing - with magical rituals you can anger and turn away higher powers from yourself, which means you can attract failures into your life;

- wish someone harm, show resentment - remember the importance of a good mood on this day.
