, author: Ermakova M.

Puppy Training Tips for Future Owners

Before taking a pet home, it is important to evaluate which one is best for family life; in such a way that it does not cause stress, but, on the contrary, was an occasion for a family vacation.

If we choose a dog, we must clearly understand that they are largely dependent on people. Dogs that are descendants of wolves are social animals that live in a community, within a hierarchy and depending on their genetics, they will have different needs in their first years of life.

The first important step in raising your puppy involves properly socializing him and defining boundaries through positive discipline (reward him when he does things right instead of punishing him when he does things wrong). Doing this in the first 4 months of life is vital so that he has a balanced temperament in the future.

Unfortunately, we tend to "humanize" the puppy and treat it like a baby. As a result, we ourselves can create potential identity issues when he becomes an adult, as our dog will be able to “feel” like a human, not paying attention to members of his own species or demanding attention as if he were “human, feel like a leader” flock", which is unacceptable.

As rude as it sounds, a dog is a dog and should feel like part of the family but be the lowest in the hierarchy. This is achieved by defining the rules for cohabitation from the 1st day of his arrival, such as: determining the place where he will sleep and where he will attend to his needs, determining his daily routine and the participation of the whole family in their observance (sleep time, meal times , games, walks, etc.). Remember that a dog is an animal of habit, and consistency and consistency in your actions are key to training him.

Earlier, the Inc-News information portal told how to keep your pet healthy for many years.
